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sjPlot (version 2.0.0)

sjc.grpdisc: Compute a linear discriminant analysis on classified cluster groups


Computes linear discriminant analysis on classified cluster groups. This function plots a bar graph indicating the goodness of classification for each group.


sjc.grpdisc(data, groups, groupcount, clss.fit = TRUE, prnt.plot = TRUE)



(Invisibly) returns an object with
  • data: the used data frame for plotting,
  • plot: the ggplot object,
  • accuracy: a vector with the accuracy of classification for each group,
  • total.accuracy: the total accuracy of group classification.


Run this code
# retrieve group classification from hierarchical cluster analysis
# on the mtcars data set (5 groups)
groups <- sjc.cluster(mtcars, 5)

# plot goodness of group classificatoin
sjc.grpdisc(mtcars, groups, 5)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab