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sjPlot (version 2.0.0)

sjt.corr: Summary of correlations as HTML table


Shows the results of a computed correlation as HTML table. Requires either a data.frame or a matrix with correlation coefficients as returned by the cor-function.


sjt.corr(data, na.deletion = c("listwise", "pairwise"),
  corr.method = c("spearman", "pearson", "kendall"), title = NULL,
  var.labels = NULL, wrap.labels = 40, show.p = TRUE, p.numeric = FALSE,
  fade.ns = TRUE, val.rm = NULL, digits = 3, triangle = "both",
  string.diag = NULL, CSS = NULL, encoding = NULL, file = NULL,
  use.viewer = TRUE, no.output = FALSE, remove.spaces = TRUE)



Invisibly returns
  • the web page style sheet (page.style),
  • the web page content (page.content),
  • the complete html-output (output.complete) and
  • the html-table with inline-css for use with knitr (knitr)
for further use.


See 'Details' in sjt.frq.

See Also

  • http://www.strengejacke.de/sjPlot/sjt.corr{sjPlot manual: sjt.corr}
  • sjp.corr


Run this code
# plot correlation matrix using circles

# Data from the EUROFAMCARE sample dataset

# retrieve variable and value labels
varlabs <- get_label(efc)

# recveive first item of COPE-index scale
start <- which(colnames(efc) == "c83cop2")
# recveive last item of COPE-index scale
end <- which(colnames(efc) == "c88cop7")
# create data frame with COPE-index scale
mydf <- data.frame(efc[, c(start:end)])
colnames(mydf) <- varlabs[c(start:end)]

# we have high correlations here, because all items
# belong to one factor. See example from "sjp.pca". 
sjt.corr(mydf, p.numeric = TRUE)

# auto-detection of labels, only lower triangle
sjt.corr(efc[, c(start:end)], triangle = "lower")

# auto-detection of labels, only lower triangle, all correlation 
# values smaller than 0.3 are not shown in the table
sjt.corr(efc[, c(start:end)], triangle = "lower", val.rm = 0.3)

# auto-detection of labels, only lower triangle, all correlation 
# values smaller than 0.3 are printed in blue
sjt.corr(efc[, c(start:end)], triangle = "lower",val.rm = 0.3, 
         CSS = list(css.valueremove = 'color:blue;'))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab