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sjPlot (version 2.1.0)

sjp.poly: Plot polynomials for (generalized) linear regression


This function plots a scatter plot of a term poly.term against a response variable x and adds - depending on the amount of numeric values in poly.degree - multiple polynomial curves. A loess-smoothed line can be added to see which of the polynomial curves fits best to the data.


sjp.poly(x, poly.term, poly.degree, poly.scale = FALSE, fun = NULL, axis.title = NULL, scatter.plot = TRUE, show.loess = TRUE, show.loess.ci = TRUE, show.p = TRUE, geom.colors = NULL, geom.size = 0.8, loess.color = "#808080", point.color = "#404040", point.alpha = 0.2, prnt.plot = TRUE)


a vector, representing the response variable of a linear (mixed) model; or a linear (mixed) model as returned by lm or lmer.
if x is a vector, poly.term should also be a vector, representing the polynomial term (independent variabl) in the model; if x is a fitted model, poly.term should be the polynomial term's name as character string. See 'Examples'.
numeric, or numeric vector, indicating the degree of the polynomial. If poly.degree is a numeric vector, multiple polynomial curves for each degree are plotted. See 'Examples'.
logical, if TRUE, poly.term will be scaled before linear regression is computed. Default is FALSE. Scaling the polynomial term may have an impact on the resulting p-values.
linear function when modelling polynomial terms. Use fun = "lm" for linear models, or fun = "glm" for generalized linear models. When x is not a vector, but a fitted model object, the function is detected automatically. If x is a vector, fun defaults to "lm".
character vector of length one or two (depending on the plot function and type), used as title(s) for the x and y axis. If not specified, a default labelling is chosen.
logical, if TRUE (default), a scatter plot of response and predictor values for each predictor of the model is plotted. Only applies for slope-type plots.
If TRUE, an additional loess-smoothed line is plotted.
If TRUE, a confidence region for the loess-smoothed line will be plotted.
logical, if TRUE (default), p-values for polynomial terms are printed to the console.
user defined color palette for geoms. If group.estimates is not specified, must either be vector with two color values or a specific color palette code (see 'Details' in sjp.grpfrq). Else, if group.estimates is specified, geom.colors must be a vector of same length as groups. See 'Examples'.
size resp. width of the geoms (bar width, line thickness or point size, depending on plot type and function). Note that bar and bin widths mostly need smaller values than dot sizes.
color of the loess-smoothed line. Only applies, if show.loess = TRUE.
color of the scatter plot's point. Only applies, if scatter.plot = TRUE.
alpha value of point-geoms in the scatter plots.
logical, if TRUE (default), plots the results as graph. Use FALSE if you don't want to plot any graphs. In either case, the ggplot-object will be returned as value.


(insisibily) returns


For each polynomial degree, a simple linear regression on x (resp. the extracted response, if x is a fitted model) is performed, where only the polynomial term poly.term is included as independent variable. Thus, lm(y ~ x + I(x^2) + ... + I(x^i)) is repeatedly computed for all values in poly.degree, and the predicted values of the reponse are plotted against the raw values of poly.term. If x is a fitted model, other covariates are ignored when finding the best fitting polynomial. This function evaluates raw polynomials, not orthogonal polynomials. Polynomials are computed using the poly function, with argument raw = TRUE. To find out which polynomial degree fits best to the data, a loess-smoothed line (in dark grey) can be added (with show.loess = TRUE). The polynomial curves that comes closest to the loess-smoothed line should be the best fit to the data.

See Also

To plot marginal effects of polynomial terms, call sjp.lm with type = "poly", or sjp.lmer respectively for linear mixed models.


Run this code
# linear fit. loess-smoothed line indicates a more
# or less cubic curve
sjp.poly(efc$c160age, efc$quol_5, 1)

# quadratic fit
sjp.poly(efc$c160age, efc$quol_5, 2)

# linear to cubic fit
sjp.poly(efc$c160age, efc$quol_5, 1:4, scatter.plot = FALSE)

# fit sample model
fit <- lm(tot_sc_e ~ c12hour + e17age + e42dep, data = efc)
# inspect relationship between predictors and response
sjp.lm(fit, type = "slope", show.loess = TRUE, scatter.plot = FALSE)
# "e17age" does not seem to be linear correlated to response
# try to find appropiate polynomial. Grey line (loess smoothed)
# indicates best fit. Looks like x^4 has the best fit,
# however, only x^3 has significant p-values.
sjp.poly(fit, "e17age", 2:4, scatter.plot = FALSE)

## Not run: 
# # fit new model
# fit <- lm(tot_sc_e ~ c12hour + e42dep + e17age + I(e17age^2) + I(e17age^3),
#           data = efc)
# # plot marginal effects of polynomial term
# sjp.lm(fit, type = "poly", poly.term = "e17age")## End(Not run)

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