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sjPlot (version 2.1.0)

sjt.mwu: Summary of Mann-Whitney-Test as HTML table


Shows the results of a Mann-Whitney-U-test as HTML table. The results from the Mann-Whitney-test are obtained by the mwu function from the sjstats-package.


sjt.mwu(x, title = NULL, altr.row.col = TRUE, CSS = NULL, encoding = NULL, file = NULL, use.viewer = TRUE, no.output = FALSE, remove.spaces = TRUE)


results of a Mann-Whitney-U test, provided by mwu. See 'Examples'.
table caption. By default, title = NULL, hence no title will be used.
logical, if TRUE, alternating rows are highlighted with a light gray background color.
list-object with user-defined style-sheet-definitions, according to the official CSS syntax. See 'Details'.
string, indicating the charset encoding used for variable and value labels. Default is NULL, so encoding will be auto-detected depending on your platform (e.g., "UTF-8" for Unix and "Windows-1252" for Windows OS). Change encoding if specific chars are not properly displayed (e.g. German umlauts).
destination file, if the output should be saved as file. If NULL (default), the output will be saved as temporary file and openend either in the IDE's viewer pane or the default web browser.
If TRUE, the HTML table is shown in the IDE's viewer pane. If FALSE or no viewer available, the HTML table is opened in a web browser.
logical, if TRUE, the html-output is neither opened in a browser nor shown in the viewer pane and not even saved to file. This option is useful when the html output should be used in knitr documents. The html output can be accessed via the return value.
logical, if TRUE, leading spaces are removed from all lines in the final string that contains the html-data. Use this, if you want to remove parantheses for html-tags. The html-source may look less pretty, but it may help when exporting html-tables to office tools.


Invisibly returns a list with
  • the data frame with the description information (data),
  • the web page style sheet (page.style),
  • the web page content (page.content),
  • the complete html-output (output.complete) and
  • the html-table with inline-css for use with knitr (knitr)
for further use.


See 'Details' in sjt.frq.


Run this code
## Not run: 
# library(sjmisc)
# data(efc)
# sjt.mwu(mwu(efc$e17age, efc$e42dep))## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab