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sjPlot (version 2.4.1)

sjp.gpt: Plot grouped proportional tables


Plot grouped proportional crosstables, where the proportion of each level of x for the highest category in y is plotted, for each subgroup of groups.


sjp.gpt(x, y, groups, geom.colors = "Set1", geom.size = 2.5,
  shape.fill.color = "#f0f0f0", shapes = c(15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24,
  25, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12), title = NULL, axis.labels = NULL,
  axis.titles = NULL, legend.title = NULL, legend.labels = NULL,
  wrap.title = 50, wrap.labels = 15, wrap.legend.title = 20,
  wrap.legend.labels = 20, axis.lim = NULL, grid.breaks = NULL,
  show.total = TRUE, annotate.total = TRUE, show.p = TRUE,
  show.n = TRUE, prnt.plot = TRUE)



Categorical variable, where the proportion of each category in x for the highest category of y will be printed along the x-axis.


Categorical or numeric variable. If not a binary variable, y will be recoded into a binary variable, dichtomized at the highest category and all remaining categories.


Grouping variable, which will define the y-axis


user defined color for geoms. See 'Details' in sjp.grpfrq.


size resp. width of the geoms (bar width, line thickness or point size, depending on plot type and function). Note that bar and bin widths mostly need smaller values than dot sizes.


Optional color vector, fill-color for non-filled shapes


Numeric vector with shape styles, used to map the different categories of x.


character vector, used as plot title. Depending on plot type and function, will be set automatically. If title = "", no title is printed. For effect-plots, may also be a character vector of length > 1, to define titles for each sub-plot or facet.


character vector with labels used as axis labels. Optional argument, since in most cases, axis labels are set automatically.


character vector of length one or two, defining the title(s) for the x-axis and y-axis.


character vector, used as title for the plot legend.


character vector with labels for the guide/legend.


numeric, determines how many chars of the plot title are displayed in one line and when a line break is inserted.


numeric, determines how many chars of the value, variable or axis labels are displayed in one line and when a line break is inserted.


numeric, determines how many chars of the legend's title are displayed in one line and when a line break is inserted.


numeric, determines how many chars of the legend labels are displayed in one line and when a line break is inserted.


Numeric vector of length 2, defining the range of the plot axis. Depending on plot type, may effect either x- or y-axis, or both. For multiple plot outputs (e.g., from type = "eff" or type = "slope" in sjp.glm), axis.lim may also be a list of vectors of length 2, defining axis limits for each plot (only if non-faceted).


numeric; sets the distance between breaks for the axis, i.e. at every grid.breaks'th position a major grid is being printed.


Logical, if TRUE, a total summary line for all aggregated groups is added.


Logical, if TRUE and show.total = TRUE, the total-row in the figure will be highlighted with a slightly shaded background.


Logical, adds significance levels to values, or value and variable labels.


logical, if TRUE, adds total number of cases for each group or category to the labels.


logical, if TRUE (default), plots the results as graph. Use FALSE if you don't want to plot any graphs. In either case, the ggplot-object will be returned as value.


(Insisibily) returns the ggplot-object with the complete plot (plot) as well as the data frame that was used for setting up the ggplot-object (df).


The p-values are based on chisq.test of x and y for each groups.


Run this code

# the proportion of dependency levels in female
# elderly, for each family carer's relationship
# to elderly
sjp.gpt(efc$e42dep, efc$e16sex, efc$e15relat)

# proportion of educational levels in highest
# dependency category of elderly, for different
# care levels
sjp.gpt(efc$c172code, efc$e42dep, efc$n4pstu)

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab