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sjmisc (version 2.8.4)

str_contains: Check if string contains pattern


This functions checks whether a string or character vector x contains the string pattern. By default, this function is case sensitive.


str_contains(x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE, logic = NULL, switch = FALSE)



Character string where matches are sought. May also be a character vector of length > 1 (see 'Examples').


Character string to be matched in x. May also be a character vector of length > 1 (see 'Examples').


Logical, whether matching should be case sensitive or not.


Indicates whether a logical combination of multiple search pattern should be made.

  • Use "or", "OR" or "|" for a logical or-combination, i.e. at least one element of pattern is in x.

  • Use "and", "AND" or "&" for a logical AND-combination, i.e. all elements of pattern are in x.

  • Use "not", "NOT" or "!" for a logical NOT-combination, i.e. no element of pattern is in x.

  • By default, logic = NULL, which means that TRUE or FALSE is returned for each element of pattern separately.


Logical, if TRUE, x will be sought in each element of pattern. If switch = TRUE, x needs to be of length 1.


TRUE if x contains pattern.


This function iterates all elements in pattern and looks for each of these elements if it is found in any element of x, i.e. which elements of pattern are found in the vector x.

Technically, it iterates pattern and calls grep(x, pattern[i], fixed = TRUE) for each element of pattern. If switch = TRUE, it iterates pattern and calls grep(pattern[i], x, fixed = TRUE) for each element of pattern. Hence, in the latter case (if switch = TRUE), x must be of length 1.


Run this code
str_contains("hello", "hel")
str_contains("hello", "hal")

str_contains("hello", "Hel")
str_contains("hello", "Hel", ignore.case = TRUE)

# which patterns are in "abc"?
str_contains("abc", c("a", "b", "e"))

# is pattern in any element of 'x'?
str_contains(c("def", "abc", "xyz"), "abc")
# is "abcde" in any element of 'x'?
str_contains(c("def", "abc", "xyz"), "abcde") # no...
# is "abc" in any of pattern?
str_contains("abc", c("defg", "abcde", "xyz12"), switch = TRUE)

str_contains(c("def", "abcde", "xyz"), c("abc", "123"))

# any pattern in "abc"?
str_contains("abc", c("a", "b", "e"), logic = "or")

# all patterns in "abc"?
str_contains("abc", c("a", "b", "e"), logic = "and")
str_contains("abc", c("a", "b"), logic = "and")

# no patterns in "abc"?
str_contains("abc", c("a", "b", "e"), logic = "not")
str_contains("abc", c("d", "e", "f"), logic = "not")

# }

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