a data.frame
with the following columns:
target_id: transcript name, e.g. "ENSXX#####" (dependent on the transcriptome used in kallisto)
pval: p-value of the chosen model
qval: false discovery rate adjusted p-value, using Benjamini-Hochberg (see p.adjust
b: 'beta' value (effect size). Technically a biased estimator of the fold change
se_b: standard error of the beta
mean_obs: mean of natural log counts of observations
var_obs: variance of observation
tech_var: technical variance of observation from the bootstraps
sigma_sq: raw estimator of the variance once the technical variance has been removed
smooth_sigma_sq: smooth regression fit for the shrinkage estimation
final_simga_sq: max(sigma_sq, smooth_sigma_sq); used for covariance estimation of beta