Plot sample heatmap using the Jensen-Shannon divergence
plot_sample_heatmap(obj, use_filtered = TRUE, color_high = "white",
color_low = "dodgerblue", x_axis_angle = 50,
annotation_cols = setdiff(colnames(obj$sample_to_covariates), "sample"),
cluster_bool = TRUE, ...)
a sleuth
if TRUE, use filtered data. otherwise, use everything
the 'high' color (to label samples that are close)
the 'low' color (to label samples that are far apart)
the angle at which to put the x-axis labels
a character vector of covariates from
that should be annotated on the heatmap
whether the rows and columns should be hierarchically
clustered. default is TRUE
additional arguments to customize the heatmap. passed to
. See ?pheatmap for documentation on additional options.
a ggplot2