## morse code data with external scales
res <- mds(morse)
fitbi <- biplotmds(res, morsescales[,2:3])
plot(fitbi, main = "MDS Biplot", vecscale = 0.5)
## wish data with external economic development factor
diss <- sim2diss(wish, method = 7)
res <- mds(diss, type = "ordinal")
ecdev <- data.frame(ecdev = c(3,1,3,3,8,3,7,9,4,7,10,6))
fitbi <- biplotmds(res, ecdev)
plot(fitbi, main = "MDS Biplot", vecscale = 1)
plot(fitbi, main = "MDS Biplot", vecscale = 0.5, xlim = c(-1, 1),
vec.conf = list(col = "red", length = 0.05))
## Ekman's color data (by Michael Friendly)
wavelengths <- attr(ekman, "Labels")
colors <- c("#2600F0", "#0028FF", "#0092FF", "#00B2FF", "#00FFFF", "#00FF61", "#77FF00", "#B3FF00",
"#FFF200", "#FFBE00", "#FF9B00", "#FF5700", "#F60000", "#D60000")
ekmanD <- sim2diss(ekman)
res <- mds(ekmanD, type = "ordinal")
RGB <- t(col2rgb(colors)) / 255
HCL <- as(hex2RGB(colors), "polarLUV")
HCL <- slot(HCL, "coords")
fit <- biplotmds(res, cbind(RGB, HCL))
plot(fit, vecscale = 0.5, cex = 6, col = colors,
label.conf=list(cex = 1, pos = ifelse(wavelengths < 560, 2, 4)),
vec.conf = list(cex = 1.2), main = "Ekman configuration and color properties" )
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab