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blockmodel: Generate Blockmodels Based on Partitions of Network Positions


Given a set of equivalence classes (in the form of an equiv.clust object, hclust object, or membership vector) and one or more graphs, blockmodel will form a blockmodel of the input graph(s) based on the classes in question, using the specified block content type.


blockmodel(dat, ec, k=NULL, h=NULL, block.content="density", 
    plabels=NULL, glabels=NULL, rlabels=NULL, mode="digraph", 


An object of class blockmodel.



one or more input graphs.


equivalence classes, in the form of an object of class equiv.clust or hclust, or a membership vector.


the number of classes to form (using cutree).


the height at which to split classes (using cutree).


string indicating block content type (see below).


a vector of labels to be applied to the individual nodes.


a vector of labels to be applied to the graphs being modeled.


a vector of labels to be applied to the (reduced) roles.


a string indicating whether we are dealing with graphs or digraphs.


a boolean indicating whether loops are permitted.


Carter T. Butts buttsc@uci.edu


Unless a vector of classes is specified, blockmodel forms its eponymous models by using cutree to cut an equivalence clustering in the fashion specified by k and h. After forming clusters (roles), the input graphs are reordered and blockmodel reduction is applied. Currently supported reductions are:

  1. density: block density, computed as the mean value of the block

  2. meanrowsum: mean row sums for the block

  3. meancolsum: mean column sums for the block

  4. sum: total block sum

  5. median: median block value

  6. min: minimum block value

  7. max: maximum block value

  8. types: semi-intelligent coding of blocks by ``type.'' Currently recognized types are (in order of precedence) ``NA'' (i.e., blocks with no valid data), ``null'' (i.e., all values equal to zero), ``complete'' (i.e., all values equal to 1), ``1 covered'' (i.e., all rows/cols contain a 1), ``1 row-covered'' (i.e., all rows contain a 1), ``1 col-covered'' (i.e., all cols contain a 1), and ``other'' (i.e., none of the above).

Density or median-based reductions are probably the most interpretable for most conventional analyses, though type-based reduction can be useful in examining certain equivalence class hypotheses (e.g., 1 covered and null blocks can be used to infer regular equivalence classes). Once a given reduction is performed, the model can be analyzed and/or expansion can be used to generate new graphs based on the inferred role structure.


Doreian, P.; Batagelj, V.; and Ferligoj, A. (2005). Generalized Blockmodeling. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

White, H.C.; Boorman, S.A.; and Breiger, R.L. (1976). ``Social Structure from Multiple Networks I: Blockmodels of Roles and Positions.'' American Journal of Sociology, 81, 730-779.

See Also

equiv.clust, blockmodel.expand


Run this code
#Create a random graph with _some_ edge structure
g.p<-sapply(runif(20,0,1),rep,20)  #Create a matrix of edge 
g<-rgraph(20,tprob=g.p)            #Draw from a Bernoulli graph 

#Cluster based on structural equivalence

#Form a blockmodel with distance relaxation of 10
plot(b)                            #Plot it

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab