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maxflow: Calculate Maximum Flows Between Vertices


maxflow calculates a matrix of maximum pairwise flows within a (possibly valued) input network.


maxflow(dat, src = NULL, sink = NULL, ignore.eval = FALSE)


A matrix of pairwise maximum flows (if multiple sources/sinks selected), or a single maximum flow value (otherwise).



one or more input graphs.


optionally, a vector of source vertices; by default, all vertices are selected.


optionally, a vector of sink (or target) vertices; by default, all vertices are selected.


logical; ignore edge values (i.e., assume unit capacities) when computing flow?


Carter T. Butts buttsc@uci.edu


maxflow computes the maximum flow from each source vertex to each sink vertex, assuming infinite vertex capacities and limited edge capacities. If ignore.eval==FALSE, supplied edge values are assumed to contain capacity information; otherwise, all non-zero edges are assumed to have unit capacity.

Note that all flows computed here are pairwise -- i.e., when computing the flow from \(v\) to \(v'\), we ignore any other flows which could also be taking place within the network. As a result, it should not be assumed that these flows can be realized simultaneously. (For the latter purpose, the values returned by maxflow can be treated as upper bounds.)


Edmonds, J. and Karp, R.M. (1972). “Theoretical Improvements in Algorithmic Efficiency for Network Flow Problems.” Journal of the ACM, 19(2), 248-264.

See Also

flowbet, geodist


Run this code
g<-rgraph(10,tp=2/9)                     #Generate a sparse random graph
maxflow(g)                               #Compute all-pairs max flow

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