active <- data.frame(careerprofile_maclean_cat, careerfoundation_maclean_cat,
years_between_edu_dir_cat, time_in_corp_before_ceo_cat,
age_as_ceo_cat, career_changes_cat2, mba, abroad, hd, phd,
education, author, placeofbirth, familyclass_bourdieu,
partnersfamily_in_whoswho, family_in_whoswho)
sup <- data.frame(size_prestige, ownership_cat_2, sector, location)
id <- navn
options(passive = c("MISSING", "Missing", "Irrelevant", "residence_value_cat2: Udlandet"))
result <- soc.mca(active, sup, id)
# Contribution
contribution(result, 1)
contribution(result, 2)
contribution(result, 3)
contribution(result, 1, all = TRUE)
contribution(result, 1, indices = TRUE)
contribution(result, 1, mode = "mod")
contribution(result, mode = "variable")
# Individuals
contribution(result, 1, mode = "ind")
contribution(result, 2, mode = "ind")
# Table of variance
# Invert
result <- invert(result, c(1, 2, 3))
# Export and assign label
# export.label(result)
# result <- assign.label(result,
# file = "https://raw.github.com/Rsoc/soc.ca/master/extra/director_labels.csv")
# Add.n
result <- add.to.label(result)
contribution(result, 2)
# The result object or "soc.ca" object
dim1 <- result$coord.ind[, 1]
# Quadrant
quad <- create.quadrant(result)
quad <- create.quadrant(result, cut.min = 0, cut.max = 0)
# Map of individuals
map.ind(result, dim = c(2, 1), label = TRUE)
map.ind(result, dim = c(2, 1), point.size = 3, point.shape = 2)
map.ind(result, dim = c(2, 1), map.title = "The top 100 Danish CEO's",
point.color = quad)
# Map of the individuals colored by contribution
map.ind(result, point.color = result$ctr.ind[, 1],
point.shape = 18) + scale_color_continuous(low = "white", high = "red")
# Map of contributing modalities
map.ctr(result, dim = c(2, 1))
map.ctr(result, dim = c(2, 1), ctr.dim = 2)
map.ctr(result, point.size = 3)
map.active(result, dim = c(2, 1))
map.sup(result, dim = c(2, 1))
# Plot.list
# Selecting specific active modalities
select <- c("Career start: Corporation (n:57)", "No Phd (n:92)")
boo.select <- match(select, result$names.mod)
map.select(result, list.mod = boo.select)
highcor <- which(result$cor.mod[, 1] >= 0.2)
map.select(result, list.mod = highcor)
# Selecting specific supplementary modalities
highdim3 <- which(sqrt(result$coord.sup[, 3]^2) >= 0.5)
map.select(result, list.sup = highdim3)
# Selecting specific individuals based on a certain criteria
forfatter <- author == "Forfatter"
map.select(result, list.ind = forfatter)
# Combining it all
map.select(result, list.mod = highcor, list.sup = highdim3, list.ind = forfatter)
# Add points to an existing plot
ctrplot <- map.ctr(result, ctr.dim = 1, point.color = "red")
map.add(result, ctrplot, data.type = "ctr", ctr.dim = 2, point.color = "blue")
# Using the list option in add.points
forfatter <- author == "Forfatter"
map.add(result, ctrplot, data.type = "select", list.ind = forfatter, colour = "purple")
# Using the list option in add.points to add labels to only a part of the cloud of individuals
forfatter <- author == "Forfatter"
notforfatter <- author != "Forfatter"
map.forfatter <- map.select(result, list.ind = notforfatter, label = FALSE)
map.forfatter <- map.add(result, map.forfatter, data.type = "select", list.ind = forfatter)
# Plotting all the modalities of one individual
result2 <- soc.ca(active, sup, id)
individual <- which(id == "Lars Larsen")
ind.mat <- indicator(active)
modalities <- names(which(ind.mat[individual, ] == 1))
mod.ind <- match(modalities, result2$names.mod)
lars <- map.select(result2, list.mod = mod.ind)
map.add(result2, lars, data.type = "select", list.ind = individual, colour = "red")
# Adding concentration ellipses to an existing plot
el.forfatter <- map.ellipse(result, map.forfatter, author)
# }
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