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sodium (version 1.4.0)

Authenticated encryption: Authenticated Encryption


Exchange secure messages through curve25519 authenticated encryption.


auth_encrypt(msg, key, pubkey, nonce = random(24))

auth_decrypt(bin, key, pubkey, nonce = attr(bin, "nonce"))



message to be encrypted


your own private key


other person's public key


non-secret unique data to randomize the cipher


encrypted ciphertext generated by secure_send


Authenticated encryption implements best practices for secure messaging. It requires that both sender and receiver have a keypair and know each other's public key. Each message gets authenticated with the key of the sender and encrypted with the key of the receiver.

Even though public keys are not confidential, you should not exchange them over the same insecure channel you are trying to protect. If the connection is being tampered with, the attacker could simply replace the key with another one to hijack the interaction.

Most people share their public key by posting them on their website or on a public keyserver. Another alternative is having your public key signed by a mutually trusted third party. HTTPS does this using Certificate Authorities.




Run this code
# Bob's keypair:
bob_key <- keygen()
bob_pubkey <- pubkey(bob_key)

# Alice's keypair:
alice_key <- keygen()
alice_pubkey <- pubkey(alice_key)

# Bob sends encrypted message for Alice:
msg <- charToRaw("TTIP is evil")
ciphertext <- auth_encrypt(msg, bob_key, alice_pubkey)

# Alice verifies and decrypts with her key
out <- auth_decrypt(ciphertext, alice_key, bob_pubkey)
stopifnot(identical(out, msg))

# Alice sends encrypted message for Bob
msg <- charToRaw("Let's protest")
ciphertext <- auth_encrypt(msg, alice_key, bob_pubkey)

# Bob verifies and decrypts with his key
out <- auth_decrypt(ciphertext, bob_key, alice_pubkey)
stopifnot(identical(out, msg))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab