## Not run:
# #### Example 1, Softmax classification with hidden layer and no regularization term
# library(softmaxreg)
# data(iris)
# x = iris[,1:4]
# y = iris$Species
# # Training with hidden layer set 5 units
# softmax_model = softmaxReg(x, y, hidden = c(5), maxit = 100, type = "class",
# algorithm = "adagrad", rate = 0.05, batch = 20)
# summary(softmax_model)
# yFitMat = softmax_model$fitted.values
# yFit = c()
# for (i in 1:length(y)) {
# yFit = c(yFit, which(yFitMat[i,]==max(yFitMat[i,])))
# }
# table(y, yFit)
# # Caculate AIC and BIC information criterion
# aic = AIC(softmax_model)
# bic = BIC(softmax_model)
# cat("AIC",aic,'\n')
# cat("BIC",bic,'\n')
# # Make new Prediction
# newdata = iris[1:100,1:4]
# yPred = predict(softmax_model, newdata)
# #### Example 2, Softmax classification with formula and dataframe input
# f = formula(Species~.) # formula with succinct expression
# softmax_model_fm = softmaxReg(f, data = iris, hidden = c(5), maxit = 100, type = "class",
# algorithm = "adagrad", rate = 0.05, batch = 20)
# summary(softmax_model_fm)
# #### Example 3: Softmax classfication with L2 regularization
# softmax_model_L2 = softmaxReg(x, y, hidden = c(5), maxit = 100, type = "class",
# algorithm = "adagrad", L2 = TRUE, penalty = 1e-4, batch = 20)
# summary(softmax_model_L2)
# # Compare Two Model Loss
# # Note L2 loss value include the ||W||^2 term, larger than loss of previous model
# loss1 = softmax_model$loss
# loss2 = softmax_model_L2$loss
# plot(c(1:length(loss1)), loss1, xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "Loss Function Value",
# type = "l", col = "black")
# lines(c(1:length(loss2)), loss2, col = "red")
# legend("topright", c("Loss 1: No Regularization", "Loss 2: L2 Regularization"),
# col = c("black", "red"),pch = 1)
# #### Example 4: Compare different learning algorithms 'adagrad','sgd',
# # 'rmsprop', 'momentum', 'nag' (Nesterov Momentum)
# library(softmaxreg)
# data(iris)
# x = iris[,1:4]
# y = iris$Species
# model1 = softmaxReg(x, y, hidden = c(), funName = 'sigmoid', maxit = 100, rang = 0.1,
# type = "class", algorithm = "sgd", rate = 0.1, batch = 150)
# loss1 = model1$loss
# model2 = softmaxReg(x, y, hidden = c(), funName = 'sigmoid', maxit = 100, rang = 0.1,
# type = "class", algorithm = "adagrad", rate = 0.1, batch = 150)
# loss2 = model2$loss
# model3 = softmaxReg(x, y, hidden = c(), funName = 'sigmoid', maxit = 100, rang = 0.1,
# type = "class", algorithm = "rmsprop", rate = 0.1, batch = 150)
# loss3 = model3$loss
# model4 = softmaxReg(x, y, hidden = c(), funName = 'sigmoid', maxit = 100, rang = 0.1,
# type = "class", algorithm = "momentum", rate = 0.1, batch = 150)
# loss4 = model4$loss
# model5 = softmaxReg(x, y, hidden = c(), funName = 'sigmoid', maxit = 100, rang = 0.1,
# type = "class", algorithm = "nag", rate = 0.1, batch = 150)
# loss5 = model5$loss
# # plot the loss convergence
# iteration = c(1:length(loss1))
# plot(iteration, loss1, xlab = "iteration", ylab = "loss", ylim = c(0,
# max(loss1,loss2,loss3,loss4,loss5) + 0.01), type = "p", col = "black", cex = 0.7)
# title("Convergence Comparision Between Learning Algorithms")
# points(iteration, loss2, col = "red", pch = 2, cex = 0.7)
# points(iteration, loss3, col = "blue", pch = 3, cex = 0.7)
# points(iteration, loss4, col = "green", pch = 4, cex = 0.7)
# points(iteration, loss5, col = "magenta", pch = 5, cex = 0.7)
# legend("topright", c("SGD", "Adagrad", "RMSprop", "Momentum", "NAG"),
# col = c("black", "red", "blue", "green", "magenta"),pch = c(1,2,3,4,5))
# ## Comments: From this experiments we can see that momemtum learning algorithm
# ## generally converge faster than the standard sgd and its variations
# #### Example 5: Multiple class classification: Read Online Dataset and make document classification
# library(softmaxreg)
# data(word2vec) # default 20 dimension word2vec dataset
# #### Reuter 50 DataSet UCI Archived Dataset from
# ## URL: "http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/00217/C50.zip"
# URL = "http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/00217/C50.zip"
# folder = getwd()
# loadURLData(URL, folder, unzip = TRUE)
# ##Training Data
# subFoler = c('AaronPressman', 'AlanCrosby', 'AlexanderSmith', 'BenjaminKangLim', 'BernardHickey')
# docTrain = document(path = paste(folder, "\C50train\",subFoler, sep = ""), pattern = 'txt')
# xTrain = wordEmbed(docTrain, dictionary = word2vec)
# yTrain = c(rep(1,50), rep(2,50), rep(3,50), rep(4,50), rep(5,50))
# # Assign labels to 5 different authors
# ##Testing Data
# docTest = document(path = paste(folder, "\C50test\",subFoler, sep = ""), pattern = 'txt')
# xTest = wordEmbed(docTest, dictionary = word2vec)
# yTest = c(rep(1,50), rep(2,50), rep(3,50), rep(4,50), rep(5,50))
# samp = sample(250, 50)
# xTest = xTest[samp,]
# yTest = yTest[samp]
# ## Train Softmax Classification Model, 20-10-5
# softmax_model = softmaxReg(xTrain, yTrain, hidden = c(10), maxit = 500, type = "class",
# algorithm = "nag", rate = 0.1, L2 = TRUE)
# summary(softmax_model)
# yFit = predict(softmax_model, newdata = xTrain)
# table(yTrain, yFit)
# ## Testing
# yPred = predict(softmax_model, newdata = xTest)
# table(yTest, yPred)
# #### Comments: Increase the word2vec dimensions to 50 or even 100 will help increase
# #### the capacity of the model and prediction precision
# #### Example 6: 'MNIST' dataset HandWritten Digit Recognition
# ## Download MNIST Dataset from below URL and Gunzip them
# ## http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/
# ## MNIST Data Reading method reuse R code from:
# ## brendan o'connor - https://gist.github.com/brendano/39760
# library(softmaxreg)
# # Replace with your local path
# path = "D:\DeepLearning\MNIST\"
# ## 10-class classification, Digit 0-9
# x = load_image_file(paste(path,'train-images-idx3-ubyte', sep=""))
# y = load_label_file(paste(path,'train-labels-idx1-ubyte', sep=""))
# xTest = load_image_file(paste(path,'t10k-images-idx3-ubyte',sep=""))
# yTest = load_label_file(paste(path,'t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte', sep=""))
# ## Normalize Input Data
# x = x/255
# xTest = xTest/255
# ## Compare Convergence Rate of MNIST dataset
# model1 = softmaxReg(x, y, hidden = c(), funName = 'sigmoid', maxit = 50, rang = 0.1,
# type = "class", algorithm = "sgd", rate = 0.01, batch = 100)
# loss1 = model1$loss
# model2 = softmaxReg(x, y, hidden = c(), funName = 'sigmoid', maxit = 50, rang = 0.1,
# type = "class", algorithm = "adagrad", rate = 0.01, batch = 100)
# loss2 = model2$loss
# model3 = softmaxReg(x, y, hidden = c(), funName = 'sigmoid', maxit = 50, rang = 0.1,
# type = "class", algorithm = "rmsprop", rate = 0.01, batch = 100)
# loss3 = model3$loss
# model4 = softmaxReg(x, y, hidden = c(), funName = 'sigmoid', maxit = 50, rang = 0.1,
# type = "class", algorithm = "momentum", rate = 0.01, batch = 100)
# loss4 = model4$loss
# model5 = softmaxReg(x, y, hidden = c(), funName = 'sigmoid', maxit = 50, rang = 0.1,
# type = "class", algorithm = "nag", rate = 0.01, batch = 100)
# loss5 = model5$loss
# # plot the loss convergence
# iteration = c(1:length(loss1))
# myplot = plot(iteration, loss1, xlab = "iteration", ylab = "loss", ylim = c(0,
# max(loss1,loss2,loss3,loss4,loss5) + 0.01), type = "p", col = "black", cex = 0.7)
# title("Convergence Comparision Between Learning Algorithms")
# points(iteration, loss2, col = "red", pch = 2, cex = 0.7)
# points(iteration, loss3, col = "blue", pch = 3, cex = 0.7)
# points(iteration, loss4, col = "green", pch = 4, cex = 0.7)
# points(iteration, loss5, col = "magenta", pch = 5, cex = 0.7)
# legend("topright", c("SGD", "Adagrad", "RMSprop", "Momentum", "NAG"),
# col = c("black", "red", "blue", "green", "magenta"),pch = c(1,2,3,4,5))
# save.image()
# ## End(Not run)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab