Function that calculated the Mahalanobis
distance between clay silt and sand, on a regular x-y grid
(back-transformed to Clay silt and sand for Mahalanobis
calculation). The underlying function is mahalanobis() by
R Development Core Team (2009)
TT.mahalanobis(geo,, css.names = NULL, text.tol = NULL,
text.sum = NULL, blr.clock = NULL, tri.sum.tst = NULL,
tri.pos.tst = NULL, set.par = FALSE, n = 25, center = NULL,
cov.mat = NULL, inverted = FALSE, ..., alr = FALSE,
divisorvar = 2)
Julien Moeys [aut, cre], Wei Shangguan [ctb], Rainer Petzold [ctb], Budiman Minasny [ctb], Bogdan Rosca [ctb], Nic Jelinski [ctb], Wiktor Zelazny [ctb], Rodolfo Marcondes Silva Souza [ctb], Jose Lucas Safanelli [ctb], Alexandre ten Caten [ctb]