- geo
List. 'geo' is one of the 3 way to set the texture triangle
geometry. See there description and hierarchy in the function description.
If geo != NULL, then geo must be a list containing 1 or several of the
following items: "blr.clock", "tlr.an", "blr.tx", "text.sum", and
"base.css.ps.lim". See the options with the same name for a description of
the expected values and effects. The list can be created manually (like
list( "text.sum" = 1000 ) ), or taken from the output of a previous call to
TT.plot(), TT.baseplot() or TT.geo.get() (that return a 'geo' list).
- tri.data
Data frame. Data frame containing the CLAY, SILT and SAND
'coordinates' of the texture data points to be plotted on top of the texture
triangle and texture class boundaries. The data frame can contain more
column than needed (ignored). The data frame must have column named CLAY,
SILT and SAND (uppercase, the order has no importance) or named after the
'css.names' argument (alternative names). If 'z.name' argument is not NULL,
the data frame must also contain a column named after 'z.name' value. The
sum of CLAY, SILT and SAND must be equal to 'text.sum' ('text.tol'
determines the error tolerance).
- add
Single logical. If FALSE, a new plot is created. If FALSE, the
plot is added to the existing one.
- css.names
Vector of 3 character strings. Name of the columns in
'tri.data' that contains the CLAY SILT and SAND values, respectively. If
NULL, default c("CLAY","SILT","SAND") value is assumed. Not to be confused
with 'css.lab' that defines the labels of the CLAY SILT and SAND axes in the
- z.name
Single character string. Name of the column in 'tri.data' that
contains the '4th quantitative variable' whose value must be used to define
the points expansion factor and color (bubble plot). If NULL, a simple plot
is drawn (no 'bubbles')
- main
Single character string or expression. Main title of the plot.
- blr.tx
Vector of 3 character strings. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd values
must be either CLAY, SILT or SAND, and determines the particle size classes
associated with the BOTTOM, LEFT and RIGHT axis, respectively. CLAY, SILT
and SAND order in the vector is free, but they should all be used one time.
The CLAY, SILT and SAND names must appear whatever the corresponding columns
names in 'tri.data' (eventually set by 'css.names') and whatever the labels
of the axis in the plot (eventually set by 'css.lab')
- css.lab
Vector of 3 character strings or 3 expressions. The 1st, 2nd
and 3rd values must be text strings or expressions, and determines the axes
plot labels for the CLAY, SILT and SAND particle size classes, respectively.
'css.lab' values are independent from columns names in 'tri.data'
(eventually set by 'css.names') and from whatever the placement of particle
size classes on each axis (eventually set by 'blr.tx')
- text.sum
Single numerical. Sum of the 3 particle size classes for
each texture value (fixed). The real sum of the 3 particle size classes in
'tri.data' should be >= text.sum * (1-text.tol) OR <= text.sum *
(1+text.tol), where 'text.tol' is an argument that can be changed. If some
of the texture values don't match this requirement, an error occur (function
fails) and TT.plot returns a of bad values with their actual particle size
classes sum. You can 'normalise' you data table () prior to the use of
TT.plot, by using the function TT.normalise.sum(), so all values match the
'text.sum' criteria. See also 'tri.sum.tst' that can be set to FALSE to
avoid sum of particle size classes tests.
- base.css.ps.lim
Vector of 4 numericals. Particle size boundaries
(upper and lower) of the 3 particle size classes (CLAY, SILT and SAND,
starting from the lower size of CLAY particles, 0, to the upper size of the
SAND particles, 2000), in micrometers, FOR THE BASE PLOT. These particles
size class limits are the references and all other texture values with
different limits will be converted into that reference if (and only if)
css.transf == TRUE (not default). If NULL, 'base.css.ps.lim' will be set to
the default value of the texture classification system chosen ('class.sys').
The transformation function is set by 'text.transf.fun' and is a log-linear
interpolation by default.
- tri.css.ps.lim
Vector of 4 numericals. Particle size boundaries
(upper and lower) of the 3 particle size classes (CLAY, SILT and SAND,
starting from the lower size of CLAY particles, 0, to the upper size of the
SAND particles, 2000), in micrometers, FOR THE TEXTURE TRIANGLE. If not
NULL, different from 'base.css.ps.lim', and css.transf == TRUE (not
default), then the CLAY SILT and SAND coordinates of the texture triangle
will be converted into the 'base.css.ps.lim' reference. If NULL,
'tri.css.ps.lim' will be set to the default value of the texture
classification system chosen ('class.sys'). The transformation function is
set by 'text.transf.fun' and is a log-linear interpolation by default.
- dat.css.ps.lim
Vector of 4 numericals. Particle size boundaries
(upper and lower) of the 3 particle size classes (CLAY, SILT and SAND,
starting from the lower size of CLAY particles, 0, to the upper size of the
SAND particles, 2000), in micrometers, FOR THE TEXTURE DATA TABLE
('tri.data'). If not NULL, different from 'base.css.ps.lim', and css.transf
== TRUE (not default), then the CLAY SILT and SAND coordinates of the
texture data in tri.data will be converted into the 'base.css.ps.lim'
reference. If NULL, 'tri.css.ps.lim' will be set to the default value of the
texture classification system chosen ('class.sys'). The transformation
function is set by 'text.transf.fun' and is a log-linear interpolation by
- css.transf
Single logical. Set to TRUE to transform the texture
coordinates of the texture triangle ('class.sys') or the texture data
('tri.data') into the base particle size class limits. See
'base.css.ps.lim' for the base plot particle size class limits,
'tri.css.ps.lim' for the triangle particle size class limits and
'dat.css.ps.lim' for the data table particle size class limits. The
transformation function is set by 'text.transf.fun' and is a log-linear
interpolation by default. The default value is FALSE, so no transformation
is made.
- text.transf.fun
R function with the same argument names and same
output as the function TT.text.transf(). 'text.transf.fun' is the function
that transform the texture values from one system of particle class size
limits to another. Only used if css.transf == TRUE. Default value is
text.transf.fun=TT.text.transf. See also 'base.css.ps.lim', 'tri.css.ps.lim'
and 'dat.css.ps.lim'.
- trsf.add.opt1
Non pre-defined format. If the user specifies its own
texture transformation function in 'text.transf.fun' (not TT.text.transf()),
then he can use 'trsf.add.opt1' and 'trsf.add.opt1' as new, additional,
argument for his function. So the format of 'trsf.add.opt1' depends on the
function defined by the user in 'text.transf.fun'.
- trsf.add.opt2
Non pre-defined format. If the user specifies its own
texture transformation function in 'text.transf.fun' (not TT.text.transf()),
then he can use 'trsf.add.opt1' and 'trsf.add.opt1' as new, additional,
argument for his function. So the format of 'trsf.add.opt1' depends on the
function defined by the user in 'text.transf.fun'.
- unit.ps
Single text string or expression. Unit of particle size class
limits displayed on the plot (= part of the axis labels). Does not affect
the other calculations. Default micrometers.
- unit.tx
Single text string or expression. Unit of particle texture
values displayed on the plot (= part of the axis labels). Does not affect
the other calculations. Default is percentage.
- blr.clock
Vector of logicals, eventually with NA values. Direction of
increasing texture values on the BOTTOM, LEFT and RIGHT axis, respectively.
A value of TRUE means that the axis direction is clockwise. A value of FALSE
means that the axis direction is counterclockwise. A value of NA means that
the axis direction is centripetal. Possible combinations are c(T,T,T);
c(F,F,F); c(F,T,NA) and c(T,NA,F), for fully clockwise, fully
counterclockwise, right centripetal and left centripetal orientations,
- tlr.an
Vector of numericals. Value - in degrees - of the TOP, LEFT
and RIGHT angles of the triangle. Any value between 0 and 90 is possible,
but values belonging to 0 or 45 or 60 or 90 give a better graphical
- font
Single integer. Not used yet.
- font.axis
Single integer. Same definition as par("font.axis"). Font
of the triangle axis's numbering.
- font.lab
Single integer. Same definition as par("font.lab"). Font of
the triangle axis's labels.
- font.main
Single integer. Same definition as par("font.main"). Font
of the triangle main title.
- bg
Text string containing an R color code. Background color of the
plot (= outside the triangle). See 'frame.bg.col' for the background color
inside the triangle frame.
- fg
Text string containing an R color code. DEPRECATED. foreground
color of the plot (= point fill color).
- col
Text string containing an R color code. Same definition as
par("col"). Color of the points plotted in the triangle.
- col.axis
Text string containing an R color code. Color of the
triangle's axis (line and tics) The color of the texture classes boundaries
is set by 'class.line.col'.
- col.lab
Text string containing an R color code. Color of the
triangle's labels (text) and arrows. The color of the texture classes labels
is set by 'class.lab.col'.
- col.main
Text string containing an R color code. Color of the main
- cex
Vector of numerical or single numerical. Same definition as
par("cex"). Expansion factor for the points plotted on the triangle.
- cex.axis
Single numerical. Same definition as par("cex.axis").
Expansion factor for the axis tics labels (numbering).
- cex.lab
Single numerical. Same definition as par("cex.lab").
Expansion factor for the axis labels AND the texture classes labels.
- cex.main
Single numerical. Same definition as par("cex.main").
Expansion factor for the main title.
- lwd
Single numerical. Same definition as par("lwd"). Line width for
the graphical elements inside the triangle (points plotted).
- lwd.axis
Single numerical. Same definition as par("lwd.axis"). Line
width for the axis lines, tics and the grid lines inside the triangle.
- lwd.lab
Single numerical. Same definition as par("lwd"). Line width
for the direction arrows.
- family.op
Single text string. Same definition as par("family"). Font
type to be used in the plot text elements (title, labels)
- frame.bg.col
Text string containing an R color code. Background color
of the triangle plot (= inside the triangle). See 'bg' for the background
color outside the triangle frame.
- at
Vector of numericals. Location of the grid line start points on
all 3 triangles axis. At the moment values are identical for all 3 axis, and
changes to that parameter have not been tested.
- grid.show
Single logical. If set to TRUE (the default) a grid is
drawn on the background of the texture triangle. Set to FALSE to remove the
- grid.col
Text string containing an R color code. Color of the grid
lines. If equal to NULL, then an appropriate color is used. Appropriate
means (i) if 'class.p.bg.col' is FALSE (no color gradient in texture class
polygons), then grid.col is equal to 'bg' (without transparency) unless a
color is specified for the triangle frame background ('frame.bg.col'), in
which case grid.col is a mix of 'frame.bg.col' and 'col.axis'. (ii) if
'class.p.bg.col' is TRUE, then grid.col is a light or dark color based on
'class.p.bg.hue' (light if 'bg' is dark and dark if 'bg' is light).
- grid.lty
Single numerical. Line type of the grid lines (same types as
- class.sys
Single text string. Text code of the texture classification
system to be plotted on the background of the texture triangle. That
texture classification system will determines the triangle geometry and
particle class size system of the plot, unless higher level options are
chosen (see the function definition). Possible values are "none" (no
classification plotted), "USDA.TT" (USDA texture triangle), "HYPRES.TT"
(texture triangle of the European Sil Map), "FR.AISNE.TT" (French texture
triangle of the Aisne region soil survey), "FR.GEPPA.TT" (French GEPPA
texture triangle), "DE.BK94.TT" (German texture triangle), "UK.SSEW.TT"
(Soil Survey of England and Wales), "AU.TT" (Australian texture triangle),
"BE.TT" (Belgium texture triangle), "CA.EN.TT" (Canadian texture triangle,
with English class abbreviations) and "CA.FR.TT" (Canadian texture triangle,
with French class abbreviations).
- class.lab.show
Single text string. If equal to "abr" (default) or
"full", labels are drawn inside texture class polygons with their full name
("full") or abbreviated name ("abr"). If equal to "none", no label is drawn.
- class.lab.col
Text string containing an R color code. Color of the
text label drawn inside texture class polygons.
- class.line.col
Text string containing an R color code. Color of the
texture class polygon boundary lines.
- class.p.bg.col
Single logical OR vector of R colors (character
strings). If FALSE (the default), no color gradient is used inside the
texture class polygons. If TRUE, a color gradient is drawn, with the color
hue specified in 'class.p.bg.hue' and with saturation and values that vary
with texture. If 'class.p.bg.col' is a vector of R colors of the same length
as the number of classes in the triangle, these colors will be used as
background color for each texture classe plygons.
- class.p.bg.hue
Single numerical. Only used if class.p.bg.col == TRUE
(no default). Color hue (between 0 and 1) used to create a color gradient
between the different texture class polygons.
- arrows.show
Single logical. If TRUE (default), 3 arrows are drawn
outside the triangle, along each axis, that show the direction of increasing
values (arrow base) and of isovalue (arrow tip) of the texture class. If
FALSE no arrows are drawn.
- arrows.lty
Single numerical. Line type of the arrows drawn outside
the triangle, along each axis. Same possible types as par("lty").
- points.type
Single text letter. Point type. Either "p" (points only),
"l" (lines only) or "b" (both points and lines), as for plot() or points().
Point refer here to soil texture values plotted on the triangle.
- pch
Single numerical or vector of numericals, or single text string
or vector of text string. Point shape number(s) or point character(s) to be
plotted. Point refer here to soil texture values plotted on the triangle.
- z.type
Single character string. Type of plot to be used for
displaying a 4th variable on the texture triangle (in addition to Clay, Silt
and Sand). Only used if 'z.name' is not NULL. Currently only one value is
supported, "bubble", for displaying a bubble plot with bubble sizes and
color saturation and values proportional to the value of tri.data[,z.name].
The value 'map' is deprecated and replaced by TT.iwd(), TT.image() or
- z.col.hue
Single numerical. Hue of the bubble color ([0-1]) to be
used if 'z.name' is not NULL. A gradient of saturation and value is
automatically created for the bubbles (with this hue).
- z.cex.range
Vector of 2 numericals. Minimum and maximum 'cex' of the
bubbles plotted on the triangle if 'z.name' is not NULL.
- z.pch
Single numerical or vector of numericals. Point symbol
number(s) to be used for the bubbles if 'z.name' is not NULL.
- text.tol
Single numerical. Tolerance on the sum of the 3 particle
size classes. The real sum of the 3 particle size classes in 'tri.data'
should be >= text.sum * (1-text.tol) OR <= text.sum * (1+text.tol). See
'text.sum' for more details, as well as 'tri.sum.tst' (to prevent texture
sum tests).
- tri.sum.tst
Single logical. If TRUE (the default), the sum of the 3
texture classes of each texture value in 'tri.data' will be checked in
regard to 'text.sum' and 'text.tol'. If FALSE, no test is done.
- tri.pos.tst
Single logical. If TRUE (the default), the position of
texture values in 'tri.data' are tested to check that they are not OUTSIDE
the texture triangle (i.e. that some texture values may be negative).
- b.lim
Vector of 2 numerical values. This is an equivalent to plot()
xlim argument. Minimum and maximum x / bottom value of the texture triangle
area, in FRACTION OF THE MAXIMAL EXTENSION. Default is c(0,1). The real
span is then b.lim * text.sum. This is a minimal 'zoom' implementation
(results are not always perfect). 'b.lim' and 'l.lim' should be equal for
better rendering.
- l.lim
Vector of 2 numerical values. This is an equivalent to plot()
ylim argument. Minimum and maximum y / left value of the texture triangle
area, in FRACTION OF THE MAXIMAL EXTENSION. Default is c(0,1). The real
span is then l.lim * text.sum. This is a minimal 'zoom' implementation
(results are not always perfect). 'b.lim' and 'l.lim' should be equal for
better rendering.
- lang
Single text string. Determines the language used for the plot
main title and axis labels. Possible values are 'en' (English, the default),
"fr" (French), "it" (Italian), "es" (Spanish), "de" (German), "nl" (Dutch),
"se" (Swedish) and "fl" (Flemish).
- new.mar
Vector of 4 numericals. Margin sizes of the plot. Default is
the same as par("mar"). See par("mar") for more details. Use this at your
own risks!
- new.centroid
Single logical. If TRUE (default) the new method (Paul
Bourke) is used to calculate the centroid. If FALSE the centroid is taken as
the mean x and y coordinates of the vertices.