#### breeding values with 1 variance component
#### using EMMA algorithm
#### random population of 200 lines with 1000 markers
M <- matrix(rep(0,200*1000),200,1000)
for (i in 1:200) {
M[i,] <- ifelse(runif(1000)<0.5,-1,1)
#### Simulate random phenotypes
u <- rnorm(1000)
g <- as.vector(crossprod(t(M),u))
h2 <- 0.5 #heritability
y <- g + rnorm(200,mean=0,sd=sqrt((1-h2)/h2*var(g)))
A <- A.mat(M)
ETA <- list(add=list(K=A))
ans <- EMMA(y=y, ZETA=ETA)
# }
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