This function is a very simple function to rename a vector that was named wrong and zeros were not added by mistake, i.e.:
x <- c("P1","P9","P10","P99","P187")
but the user desires the a vector of the form:
x <- c("P001","P009","P010","P099","P187")
this function does that simple task.
name.change(x, separ="P", maxn=999)
a character vector with the names.
a character argument indicating what comes before the numbers that need to be corrected.
maximum number of individual-label found in the vector. This will be important for the function to know how many zeros should be added.
a character vector with the names corrected by the added zeros.
Covarrubias-Pazaran G (2016) Genome assisted prediction of quantitative traits using the R package sommer. PLoS ONE 11(6): doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0156744
# NOT RUN {x <- c("P1","P9","P10","P99","P187")
## try adding zeros by indicating that 999 could be the max numbername.change(x, sep="P",maxn=999)
name.change(x, sep="P",maxn=9999)
# }