This function is a wrapper from the rrBLUP package to be used when a mixed model including markers to perform GWAS is specified and once the variance components have been estimated the fixed effects are obtained as B= (X'V-X)-X'V-y and the score calculation is obtained with the F statistic as F = Beta^2 / Var(Beta) where Var(Beta) = SSe/(n-p) * [XH-X']-, and quantile value for the beta distribution is calculated as q = (n-p) / (n-p + 1 * F) which once obtained, the -log10 for such value is the score value.
max.geno.freq,silent=FALSE,P3D=TRUE, method="NR")
marker names
response variable
incidence matrix of random effects
incidence matrix X as full rank from eigen decomposition
covariance structure for random effects
incidence matrix of random effects
marker matrix
inverse of the phenotypic variance matrix
numeric value of ploidy level, i.e. 2
model for GWAS
minimum minor allele frequency
1 - min.MAF
a TRUE/FALSE value indicating if the progress bar should be drawn or not
when the user performs GWAS, P3D=TRUE means that the variance components are estimated by REML only once, without any markers in the model. When P3D=FALSE, variance components are estimated by REML for each marker separately. The default is the first case.
one of the four methods to estimate variance components.
a vector with the -log10(p-values) for the marker effects in the trait under study
# it works internally in the \code{\link{mmer}} function
# }
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