#### For CRAN time limitations most lines in the
#### examples are silenced with one '#' mark,
#### remove them and run the examples using
#### command + shift + C |OR| control + shift + C
#### create the variance-covariance matrix
A <- A.mat(CPgeno) # additive relationship matrix
#### look at the data and fit the model
# mix1 <- mmer2(Yield~1,
# random=~g(id)
# + Rowf + Colf,
# rcov=~units,
# G=list(id=A),
# data=CPpheno)
# summary(mix1)
#### calculate heritability
# pin(mix1, h1 ~ V1/(V1+V4) )
#### a more complex example
# CPpheno$idd <- CPpheno$id; CPpheno$ide <- CPpheno$id;
# head(CPpheno)
# CPgeno[1:4,1:4]
# A <- A.mat(CPgeno) # additive relationship matrix
# D <- D.mat(CPgeno) # dominance relationship matrix
# E <- E.mat(CPgeno) # epistatic relationship matrix
# mix1 <- mmer2(Yield~1,
# random=~g(id) + g(idd) + g(ide)
# + Rowf + Colf,
# rcov=~units,
# G=list(id=A, idd=D, ide=E),
# data=CPpheno)
# summary(mix1)
#### calculate heritability
# pin(mix1, h1 ~ V1/(V1+V6) )
# assumes diag(trait) structure for univariate models
### if you want to do the same building the matrices
### by your own
### (not recommended unless mmer2 can't do your model)
# data(CPdata)
# #### look at the data
# head(CPpheno)
# CPgeno[1:5,1:5]
# #### fit a model including additive and dominance effects
# y <- CPpheno$color
# Za <- diag(length(y))
# Zd <- diag(length(y))
# Ze <- diag(length(y))
# A <- A.mat(CPgeno) # additive relationship matrix
# D <- D.mat(CPgeno) # dominance relationship matrix
# E <- E.mat(CPgeno) # epistatic relationship matrix
# y.trn <- y # for prediction accuracy
# ww <- sample(c(1:dim(Za)[1]),72) # delete data for 1/5 of the population
# y.trn[ww] <- NA
# ####================####
# #### ADDITIVE MODEL ####
# ####================####
# ETA.A <- list(add=list(Z=Za,K=A))
# ans.A <- mmer(Y=y.trn, Z=ETA.A)
# cor(ans.A$fitted.y[ww], y[ww], use="pairwise.complete.obs")
# ####=========================####
# ####=========================####
# ETA.AD <- list(add=list(Z=Za,K=A), dom=list(Z=Zd,K=D))
# ans.AD <- mmer(Y=y.trn, Z=ETA.AD)
# cor(ans.AD$fitted.y[ww], y[ww], use="pairwise.complete.obs")
# ### greater accuracy !!!! 4 percent increment!!
# ### we run 100 iterations, 4 percent increment in general
# ####===================================####
# ####===================================####
# ETA.ADE <- list(add=list(Z=Za,K=A), dom=list(Z=Zd,K=D), epi=list(Z=Ze,K=E))
# ans.ADE <- mmer(Y=y.trn, Z=ETA.ADE)
# cor(ans.ADE$fitted.y[ww], y[ww], use="pairwise.complete.obs")
# summary(ans.A)
# summary(ans.AD)
# summary(ans.ADE)
# #### adding more effects doesn't necessarily increase prediction accuracy!
#### EXAMPLE 2
#### Genomic prediction
#### Univariate vs Multivariate models
# data(CPdata)
# head(CPpheno)
# CPgeno[1:4,1:4]
# #### create the variance-covariance matrix
# A <- A.mat(CPgeno)
# CPpheno2 <- CPpheno
# ww <- sample(c(1:dim(Za)[1]),72) # delete data for 1/5 of the population
# CPpheno2[ww,"color"] <- NA
# ####==================####
# #### univariate model ####
# ####==================####
# ans.u <- mmer2(color~1,
# random=~ g(id)
# + Rowf + Colf,
# rcov=~units,
# G=list(id=A),
# data=CPpheno2)
# cor(ans.u$u.hat$`g(id)`[ww,], CPpheno[ww,"color"], use="pairwise.complete.obs")
# ####====================####
# #### multivariate model ####
# #### 2 traits ####
# ####====================####
# #### be patient take some time
# ans.m <- mmer2(cbind(Yield,color)~1,
# random=~ us(trait):g(id)
# + diag(trait):Rowf + diag(trait):Colf,
# rcov=~ us(trait):units,
# G=list(id=A),
# data=CPpheno2)
# cor(ans.m$u.hat$`g(id)`[ww,2], CPpheno[ww,"color"], use="pairwise.complete.obs")
### if you want to do the same building the matrices
### by your own
### (not recommended unless mmer2 can't do your model)
# data(CPdata)
# ### look at the data
# head(CPpheno)
# CPgeno[1:5,1:5]
# ## fit a model including additive and dominance effects
# Za <- diag(dim(CPpheno)[1])
# A <- A.mat(CPgeno) # additive relationship matrix
# CPpheno2 <- CPpheno
# ww <- sample(c(1:dim(Za)[1]),72) # delete data for 1/5 of the population
# CPpheno2[ww,"color"] <- NA
# ####==================####
# #### univariate model ####
# ####==================####
# ETA.A <- list(add=list(Z=Za,K=A))
# ans.u <- mmer(Y=CPpheno2$color, Z=ETA.A)
# cor(ans.u$u.hat$`g(id)`[ww,], CPpheno[ww,"color"], use="pairwise.complete.obs")
# ####====================####
# #### multivariate model ####
# #### 2 traits ####
# ####====================####
# #### be patient take some time
# ETA.B <- list(add=list(Z=Za,K=A))
# ans.m <- mmer(Y=CPpheno2[,c("Yield","color")], Z=ETA.B)
# cor(ans.m$u.hat$`g(id)`[ww,2], CPpheno[ww,"color"], use="pairwise.complete.obs")
# }
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