DT <- DT_h2
DT=DT[with(DT, order(Env)), ]
indNames <- na.omit(unique(DT$Name))
A <- diag(length(indNames))
rownames(A) <- colnames(A) <- indNames
# \donttest{
# fit diagonal model first to produce H matrix
ansDG <- mmec(y~Env,
random=~ vsc(dsc(Env), isc(Name)),
rcov=~units, nIters = 100,
# we recommend giving more EM iterations at the beggining
emWeight = c(rep(1,10),logspace(10,1,.05), rep(.05,80)),
H0 <- ansDG$uList$`vsc(dsc(Env), isc(Name))` # GxE table
# reduced rank model
ansFA <- mmec(y~Env,
random=~vsc( usc(rrc(Env, H = H0, nPC = 3)) , isc(Name)) + # rr
vsc(dsc(Env), isc(Name)), # diag
# we recommend giving more iterations to these models
nIters = 100,
# we recommend giving more EM iterations at the beggining
emWeight = c(rep(1,10),logspace(10,1,.05), rep(.05,80)),
vcFA <- ansFA$theta[[1]]
vcDG <- ansFA$theta[[2]]
loadings=with(DT, rrc(Env, nPC = 3, H = H0, returnGamma = TRUE) )$Gamma
scores <- ansFA$uList[[1]]
vcUS <- loadings %*% vcFA %*% t(loadings)
G <- vcUS + vcDG
# colfunc <- colorRampPalette(c("steelblue4","springgreen","yellow"))
# hv <- heatmap(cov2cor(G), col = colfunc(100), symm = TRUE)
uFA <- scores %*% t(loadings)
uDG <- ansFA$uList[[2]]
u <- uFA + uDG
# }
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