- x.coord.name
A string. Gives the name of data
holding column locations.
- y.coord.name
A string. Gives the name of data
holding row locations.
- data
A dataframe. Holds the dataset to be used for fitting.
- at.name
name of a variable defining if the 2D spline matrices should be created at different units (e.g., at different environments).
- at.levels
a vector of names indicating which levels of the at.name variable should be used for fitting the 2D spline function.
- nsegments
A list of length 2. Number of segments to split column and
row ranges into, respectively (= number of internal knots + 1). If only
one number is specified, that value is used in both dimensions. If not
specified, (number of unique values - 1) is used in each dimension;
for a grid layout (equal spacing) this gives a knot at each data value.
- minbound
A list of length 2. The lower bound to be used for column
and row dimensions respectively; default calculated as the minimum value
for each dimension.
- maxbound
A list of length 2. The upper bound to be used for column
and row dimensions respectively; default calculated as the maximum value
for each dimension.
- degree
A list of length 2. The degree of polynomial spline to be used
for column and row dimensions respectively; default=3.
- penaltyord
A list of length 2. The order of differencing for column
and row dimensions, respectively; default=2.
- nestorder
A list of length 2. The order of nesting for column and row
dimensions, respectively; default=1 (no nesting). A value of 2 generates
a spline with half the number of segments in that dimension, etc. The
number of segments in each direction must be a multiple of the order
of nesting.
- method
A string. Method for forming the penalty; default="Lee"
ie the penalty from Lee, Durban & Eilers (2013, CSDA 61, 22-37). The
alternative method is "Wood"
ie. the method from Wood et al (2012,
Stat Comp 23, 341-360).
This option is a research tool and requires further investigation.