Learn R Programming

sommer (version 4.3.7)

DT_ige: Data to fit indirect genetic effects.


This dataset contains phenotpic data for 98 individuals where they are measured with the purpose of identifying the effect of the neighbour in a focal individual.





The format is: chr "DT_ige"


Covarrubias-Pazaran G (2016) Genome assisted prediction of quantitative traits using the R package sommer. PLoS ONE 11(6): doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0156744

See Also

The core functions of the package mmer and mmec


Run this code
#### For CRAN time limitations most lines in the 
#### examples are silenced with one '#' mark, 
#### remove them and run the examples
#### Different models with sommer

DT <- DT_ige
# # Indirect genetic effects model without covariance between DGE and IGE
# modIGE <- mmec(trait ~ block, dateWarning = FALSE,
#                random = ~ focal + neighbour,
#                rcov = ~ units, nIters=100,
#               data = DT)
# summary(modIGE)$varcomp
# pmonitor(modIGE)
# # Indirect genetic effects model with covariance between DGE and IGE using relationship matrices
# modIGE <- mmec(trait ~ block, dateWarning = FALSE,
#                random = ~ covc( vsc(isc(focal)), vsc(isc(neighbour)) ),
#                rcov = ~ units, nIters=100,
#               data = DT)
# summary(modIGE)$varcomp
# pmonitor(modIGE)
# # form relationship matrix
# Ai <- as( solve(A_ige + diag(1e-5, nrow(A_ige),nrow(A_ige) )), Class="dgCMatrix")
# # Indirect genetic effects model with covariance between DGE and IGE using relationship matrices
# modIGE <- mmec(trait ~ block, dateWarning = FALSE,
#                random = ~ covc( vsc(isc(focal), Gu=Ai), vsc(isc(neighbour), Gu=Ai) ),
#                rcov = ~ units, nIters=100,
#               data = DT)
# summary(modIGE)$varcomp
# pmonitor(modIGE)

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