Learn R Programming

soundgen (version 2.7.0)

.modulationSpectrum: Modulation spectrum per sound


Internal soundgen function.


  specSource = c("STFT", "audSpec")[1],
  windowLength = 15,
  step = 1,
  wn = "hanning",
  zp = 0,
  audSpec_pars = list(filterType = "butterworth", nFilters = 32, bandwidth = 1/24, yScale
    = "bark", dynamicRange = 120),
  msType = c("1D", "2D")[2],
  amRes = 5,
  maxDur = 5,
  specMethod = c("spec", "meanspec")[2],
  logSpec = FALSE,
  logMPS = FALSE,
  power = 1,
  normalize = TRUE,
  roughRange = c(30, 150),
  roughMean = NULL,
  roughSD = NULL,
  roughMinFreq = 1,
  amRange = c(10, 200),
  returnMS = TRUE,
  returnComplex = FALSE,
  plot = TRUE,
  savePlots = NULL,
  logWarpX = NULL,
  logWarpY = NULL,
  quantiles = c(0.5, 0.8, 0.9),
  kernelSize = 5,
  kernelSD = 0.5,
  colorTheme = c("bw", "seewave", "heat.colors", "...")[1],
  col = NULL,
  main = NULL,
  xlab = "Hz",
  ylab = "1/kHz",
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  width = 900,
  height = 500,
  units = "px",
  res = NA,



a list returned by readAudio


'STFT' = Short-Time Fourier Transform; 'audSpec' = a bank of bandpass filters (see audSpectrogram)

windowLength, step, wn, zp

parameters for extracting a spectrogram if specType = 'STFT'. Window length and step are specified in ms (see spectrogram). If specType = 'audSpec', these settings have no effect


parameters for extracting an auditory spectrogram if specType = 'audSpec'. If specType = 'STFT', these settings have no effect


'2D' = two-dimensional Fourier transform of a spectrogram; '1D' = separately calculated spectrum of each frequency band


target resolution of amplitude modulation, Hz. If NULL, the entire sound is analyzed at once, resulting in a single roughness value (unless it is longer than maxDur, in which case it is analyzed in chunks maxDur s long). If amRes is set, roughness is calculated for windows ~1000/amRes ms long (but at least 3 STFT frames). amRes also affects the amount of smoothing when calculating amMsFreq and amMsPurity


sounds longer than maxDur s are split into fragments, and the modulation spectra of all fragments are averaged


the function to call when calculating the spectrum of each frequency band (only used when msType = '1D'); 'meanspec' is faster and less noisy, whereas 'spec' produces higher resolution


if TRUE, the spectrogram is log-transformed prior to taking 2D FFT


if TRUE, the modulation spectrum is log-transformed prior to calculating roughness


raise modulation spectrum to this power (eg power = 2 for ^2, or "power spectrum")


if TRUE, the modulation spectrum of each analyzed fragment maxDur in duration is separately normalized to have max = 1


the range of temporal modulation frequencies that constitute the "roughness" zone, Hz

roughMean, roughSD

the mean (Hz) and standard deviation (semitones) of a lognormal distribution used to weight roughness estimates. If either is null, roughness is calculated simply as the proportion of spectrum within roughRange. If both roughMean and roughRange are defined, weights outside roughRange are set to 0; a very large SD (a flat weighting function) gives the same result as just roughRange without any weighting (see examples)


frequencies below roughMinFreq (Hz) are ignored when calculating roughness (ie the estimated roughness increases if we disregard very low-frequency modulation, which is often strong)


the range of temporal modulation frequencies that we are interested in as "amplitude modulation" (AM), Hz


if FALSE, only roughness is returned (much faster). Careful with exporting the modulation spectra of a lot of sounds at once as this requires a lot of RAM


if TRUE, returns a complex modulation spectrum (without normalization and warping)


if TRUE, plots the modulation spectrum of each sound (see plotMS)


if a valid path is specified, a plot is saved in this folder (defaults to NA)

logWarpX, logWarpY

numeric vector of length 2: c(sigma, base) of pseudolog-warping the modulation spectrum, as in function pseudo_log_trans() from the "scales" package


labeled contour values, % (e.g., "50" marks regions that contain 50% of the sum total of the entire modulation spectrum)


the size of Gaussian kernel used for smoothing (1 = no smoothing)


the SD of Gaussian kernel used for smoothing, relative to its size


black and white ('bw'), as in seewave package ('seewave'), matlab-type palette ('matlab'), or any palette from palette such as 'heat.colors', 'cm.colors', etc


actual colors, eg rev(rainbow(100)) - see ?hcl.colors for colors in base R (overrides colorTheme)

xlab, ylab, main, xlim, ylim

graphical parameters

width, height, units, res

parameters passed to png if the plot is saved


other graphical parameters passed on to filled.contour.mod and contour (see spectrogram)