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sp (version 1.4-2)

CRS-class: Class "CRS" of coordinate reference system arguments


Interface class to the PROJ projection and transformation system. The class is defined as an empty stub accepting value NA in the sp package. The initiation function may call the PROJ library through rgdal to verify the argument set against those known in the library, returning error messages where necessary. If the "CRS" object is instantiated using CRS() with rgdal using PROJ >= 6 and GDAL >= 3, the object may also have a WKT2 (2019) string carried as a comment. The arguments for a Proj.4 string must be entered exactly as in the Proj.4 documentation, in particular there cannot be any white space in +<key>=<value> strings, and successive such strings can only be separated by blanks. Note that only “+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84” is accepted for geographical coordinates, which must be ordered (eastings, northings); the “+ellps=” definition must be given (or expanded internally from a given “+datum=” value) for recent versions of the Proj.4 library, and should be set to an appropriate value.


CRS(projargs, doCheckCRSArgs=TRUE, SRS_string=NULL)



A character string of projection arguments; the arguments must be entered exactly as in the PROJ.4 documentation; if the projection is unknown, use as.character(NA), it may be missing or an empty string of zero length and will then set to the missing value.


default TRUE, must be set to FALSE by package developers including CRS in an S4 class definition to avoid uncontrollable loading of the rgdal namespace


default NULL, only used when rgdal is built with PROJ >= 6 and GDAL >= 3; a valid WKT string or SRS definition such as "EPSG:4326"


object having a proj4string method, or if y is missing, list with objects that have a proj4string method


object of class Spatial, or having a proj4string method


CRS returns on success an object of class CRS. identicalCRS returns a logical, indicating whether x and y have identical CRS, or if y is missing whether all objects in list x have identical CRS.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form CRS("projargs"), where "projargs" is a valid string of PROJ.4 arguments. If the argument is a zero-length string or a character NA, the object records NA. If the "CRS" object is instantiated using CRS() with rgdal using PROJ >= 6 and GDAL >= 3, the object may also have a WKT2 (2019) string carried as a comment. The initiation function may call the PROJ library through rgdal to verify the argument set against those known in the library, returning error messages where necessary. The function CRSargs() can be used to show the expanded Proj.4 string used by the PROJ library.



Object of class "character": projection arguments; the arguments must be entered exactly as in the PROJ.4 documentation, in particular there cannot be any white space in +<arg>=<value> strings, and successive such strings can only be separated by blanks.



signature(object = "CRS"): print projection arguments in object


signature(object = "CRS"): return WKT comment on object


rebuild a CRS object, usually used to add a WKT comment with PROJ >= 6 and GDAL >= 3




Run this code
CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
if (require(rgdal)) {
  print(CRSargs(CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=NAD27")))
  print(CRSargs(CRS(paste("+proj=sterea +lat_0=52.15616055555555",
 "+lon_0=5.38763888888889 +k=0.999908 +x_0=155000 +y_0=463000 +ellps=bessel",
 " +towgs84=565.237,50.0087,465.658,-0.406857,0.350733,-1.87035,4.0812 +units=m"))))
# see http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/1987
o <- new("Spatial")
proj4string(o) <- CRS("+init=epsg:27700")
if (!is.null(comment(slot(o, "proj4string")))) {
  cat(strsplit(wkt(o), "\n")[[1]], sep="\n")
  cat(strsplit(wkt(slot(o, "proj4string")), "\n")[[1]], sep="\n")
# }

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