create objects of class SpatialPolygons
or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
lists of Polygons
objects and data.frame
Polygon(coords, hole=as.logical(NA))
Polygons(srl, ID)
SpatialPolygons(Srl, pO, proj4string=CRS(as.character(NA)))
SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(Sr, data, match.ID = TRUE)
returns an object of class Polygon
returns an object of class Polygons
returns object of class SpatialPolygons
returns object of class SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
returns an object of class
with label points.
2-column numeric matrix with coordinates; first point (row) should equal last coordinates (row); if the hole argument is not given, the status of the polygon as a hole or an island will be taken from the ring direction, with clockwise meaning island, and counter-clockwise meaning hole
logical value for setting polygon as hole or not; if the hole argument is not given, the status of the polygon as a hole or an island will be taken from the ring direction, with clockwise meaning island, and counter-clockwise meaning hole
projection string of class CRS-class
list with Polygon-class objects
character vector of length one with identifier
list with objects of class Polygons-class
integer vector; plotting order; if missing in reverse order of Polygons area
object of class SpatialPolygons-class
object of class data.frame
; the number of rows in data
should equal the number of Polygons-class objects in Sr
logical: (default TRUE): match SpatialPolygons
member Polygons ID slot values with data frame row names, and
re-order the data frame rows if necessary. If character: indicates
the column in data
with Polygons IDs to match
object of class SpatialPolygons-class
In Polygon
, if the hole argument is not given, the status of the polygon as a hole or an island will be taken from the ring direction, with clockwise meaning island, and counter-clockwise meaning hole. In Polygons
, if all of the member Polygon objects are holes, the largest by area will be converted to island status. Until 2010-04-17, version 0.9-61, the area of this converted object was erroneously left at its hole value of zero. Thanks to Patrick Giraudoux for spotting the bug.
The class definitions used for polygons in sp do not accord with those of
the simple features specification of the Open Geospatial Consortium. The rgeos package, an interface to Geometry Engine -- Open Source (GEOS), uses this
specification, in which each hole (interior ring) must be associated with
its containing exterior ring. In order to avoid introducing incompatible
changes into the class definition of Polygons objects, a comment has been
added as a single character string to each such object. Here we can trust
the data source to assign the hole status correctly, and use the simple
function createSPComment
to add such comments to each Polygons member of
the polygons slot of this SpatialPolygons object. Exterior rings are coded
zero, while interior rings are coded with the 1-based index of the
exterior ring to which they belong. SpatialPolygons objects created by reading using readOGR
from rgdal have the comments set on input, as OGR also uses SFS.
Refer to Bivand et al. (2013), pages 47-48 and 132-133 for a further discussion.
Roger Bivand, Edzer Pebesma and Virgilio Gomez-Rubio, 2013. Applied spatial data analysis with R, Second edition. Springer, NY.
SpatialPolygons-class, SpatialPolygonsDataFrame-class