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adaptMetropGibbs: Adaptive Metropolis within Gibbs algorithm


Markov chain Monte Carlo for continuous random vector using an adaptive Metropolis within Gibbs algorithm.


adaptMetropGibbs(ltd, starting, tuning=1, accept.rate=0.44,
                 batch = 1, batch.length=25, report=100,
                 verbose=TRUE, ...)


A list with the following tags:


a coda object of posterior samples for the parameters.


the Metropolis acceptance rate at the end of each batch.










the elapsed CPU and wall time (in seconds).



an R function that evaluates the log target density of the desired equilibrium distribution of the Markov chain. First argument is the starting value vector of the Markov chain. Pass variables used in the ltd via the ... argument of aMetropGibbs.


a real vector of parameter starting values.


a scalar or vector of initial Metropolis tuning values. The vector must be of length(starting). If a scalar is passed then it is expanded to length(starting).


a scalar or vector of target Metropolis acceptance rates. The vector must be of length(starting). If a scalar is passed then it is expanded to length(starting).


the number of batches.


the number of sampler iterations in each batch.


the number of batches between acceptance rate reports.


if TRUE, progress of the sampler is printed to the screen. Otherwise, nothing is printed to the screen.


currently no additional arguments.


Andrew O. Finley finleya@msu.edu,
Sudipto Banerjee sudiptob@biostat.umn.edu


Roberts G.O. and Rosenthal J.S. (2006). Examples of Adaptive MCMC. http://probability.ca/jeff/ftpdir/adaptex.pdf Preprint.

Rosenthal J.S. (2007). AMCMC: An R interface for adaptive MCMC. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 51:5467-5470.


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
rmvn <- function(n, mu=0, V = matrix(1)){
  p <- length(mu)
    stop("Dimension problem!")
  D <- chol(V)
  t(matrix(rnorm(n*p), ncol=p)%*%D + rep(mu,rep(n,p)))

##Fit a spatial regression
n <- 50
x <- runif(n, 0, 100)
y <- runif(n, 0, 100)

D <- as.matrix(dist(cbind(x, y)))

phi <- 3/50
sigmasq <- 50
tausq <- 20
mu <- 150

s <- (sigmasq*exp(-phi*D))
w <-  rmvn(1, rep(0, n), s)
Y <- rmvn(1, rep(mu, n) + w, tausq*diag(n))
X <- as.matrix(rep(1, length(Y)))

##IG sigma^2 and tau^2
a.sig <- 2 
b.sig <- 100
a.tau <- 2
b.tau <- 100

##Unif phi
a.phi <- 3/100
b.phi <- 3/1

##Functions used to transform phi to continuous support.
logit <- function(theta, a, b){log((theta-a)/(b-theta))}
logit.inv <- function(z, a, b){b-(b-a)/(1+exp(z))}

##Metrop. target
target <- function(theta){
  mu.cand <- theta[1]
  sigmasq.cand <- exp(theta[2])
  tausq.cand <- exp(theta[3])
  phi.cand <- logit.inv(theta[4], a.phi, b.phi)

  Sigma <- sigmasq.cand*exp(-phi.cand*D)+tausq.cand*diag(n)
  SigmaInv <- chol2inv(chol(Sigma))
  logDetSigma <- determinant(Sigma, log=TRUE)$modulus[1]
  out <- (
          -(a.sig+1)*log(sigmasq.cand) - b.sig/sigmasq.cand
          -(a.tau+1)*log(tausq.cand) - b.tau/tausq.cand
          +log(sigmasq.cand) + log(tausq.cand) 
          +log(phi.cand - a.phi) + log(b.phi -phi.cand) 

##Run a couple chains
n.batch <- 500
batch.length <- 25

inits <- c(0, log(1), log(1), logit(3/10, a.phi, b.phi))
chain.1 <- adaptMetropGibbs(ltd=target, starting=inits,
                            batch=n.batch, batch.length=batch.length, report=100)

inits <- c(500, log(100), log(100), logit(3/90, a.phi, b.phi))
chain.2 <- adaptMetropGibbs(ltd=target, starting=inits,
                            batch=n.batch, batch.length=batch.length, report=100)

##Check out acceptance rate just for fun
plot(mcmc.list(mcmc(chain.1$acceptance), mcmc(chain.2$acceptance)))

##Back transform
chain.1$p.theta.samples[,2] <- exp(chain.1$p.theta.samples[,2])
chain.1$p.theta.samples[,3] <- exp(chain.1$p.theta.samples[,3])
chain.1$p.theta.samples[,4] <- 3/logit.inv(chain.1$p.theta.samples[,4], a.phi, b.phi)

chain.2$p.theta.samples[,2] <- exp(chain.2$p.theta.samples[,2])
chain.2$p.theta.samples[,3] <- exp(chain.2$p.theta.samples[,3])
chain.2$p.theta.samples[,4] <- 3/logit.inv(chain.2$p.theta.samples[,4], a.phi, b.phi)

par.names <- c("mu", "sigma.sq", "tau.sq", "effective range (-log(0.05)/phi)")
colnames(chain.1$p.theta.samples) <- par.names
colnames(chain.2$p.theta.samples) <- par.names

##Discard burn.in and plot and do some convergence diagnostics
chains <- mcmc.list(mcmc(chain.1$p.theta.samples), mcmc(chain.2$p.theta.samples))
plot(window(chains, start=as.integer(0.5*n.batch*batch.length)))


##Example of fitting a
##a non-linear model
##Example of fitting a non-linear model

##Simulate some data.
a <- 0.1 #-Inf < a < Inf
b <- 0.1 #b > 0
c <- 0.2 #c > 0
tau.sq <- 0.1 #tau.sq > 0

fn <- function(a,b,c,x){

n <- 200
x <- seq(0,1,0.01)
y <- rnorm(length(x), fn(a,b,c,x), sqrt(tau.sq))

##check out your data
plot(x, y)

##The log target density
##Define the log target density used in the Metrop.
ltd <- function(theta){

  ##extract and transform as needed
  a <- theta[1]
  b <- exp(theta[2])
  c <- exp(theta[3])
  tau.sq <- exp(theta[4])

  y.hat <- fn(a, b, c, x)

  logl <- sum(dnorm(y, y.hat, sqrt(tau.sq), log=TRUE))

  ##priors IG on tau.sq and normal on a and transformed b, c, d
  logl <- (logl
           +sum(dnorm(theta[1:3], N.mu, N.v, log=TRUE))
  ##Jacobian adjustment for tau.sq
  logl <- logl+log(tau.sq)

##The rest

IG.a <- 2
IG.b <- 0.01

N.mu <- 0
N.v <- 10

theta.tuning <- c(0.01, 0.01, 0.005, 0.01)

##Run three chains with different starting values
n.batch <- 1000
batch.length <- 25

theta.starting <- c(0, log(0.01), log(0.6), log(0.01))
run.1 <- adaptMetropGibbs(ltd=ltd, starting=theta.starting, tuning=theta.tuning,
                          batch=n.batch, batch.length=batch.length, report=100)

theta.starting <- c(1.5, log(0.05), log(0.5), log(0.05))
run.2 <- adaptMetropGibbs(ltd=ltd, starting=theta.starting, tuning=theta.tuning,
                          batch=n.batch, batch.length=batch.length, report=100)

theta.starting <- c(-1.5, log(0.1), log(0.4), log(0.1))
run.3 <- adaptMetropGibbs(ltd=ltd, starting=theta.starting, tuning=theta.tuning,
                          batch=n.batch, batch.length=batch.length, report=100)

##Back transform
samples.1 <- cbind(run.1$p.theta.samples[,1], exp(run.1$p.theta.samples[,2:4]))
samples.2 <- cbind(run.2$p.theta.samples[,1], exp(run.2$p.theta.samples[,2:4]))
samples.3 <- cbind(run.3$p.theta.samples[,1], exp(run.3$p.theta.samples[,2:4]))

samples <- mcmc.list(mcmc(samples.1), mcmc(samples.2), mcmc(samples.3))

plot(samples, density=FALSE)

burn.in <- 5000

fn.pred <- function(theta,x){
  a <- theta[1]
  b <- theta[2]
  c <- theta[3]
  tau.sq <- theta[4]
  rnorm(length(x), fn(a,b,c,x), sqrt(tau.sq))

post.curves <- t(apply(samples.1[burn.in:nrow(samples.1),], 1, fn.pred, x))

post.curves.quants <- summary(mcmc(post.curves))$quantiles

plot(x, y, pch=19, xlab="x", ylab="f(x)")
lines(x, post.curves.quants[,1], lty="dashed", col="blue")
lines(x, post.curves.quants[,3])
lines(x, post.curves.quants[,5], lty="dashed", col="blue")


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