if (FALSE) {
rmvn <- function(n, mu=0, V = matrix(1)){
p <- length(mu)
stop("Dimension problem!")
D <- chol(V)
t(matrix(rnorm(n*p), ncol=p) %*% D + rep(mu,rep(n,p)))
##Spatial binomial
##Generate binary data
coords <- as.matrix(expand.grid(seq(0,100,length.out=8), seq(0,100,length.out=8)))
n <- nrow(coords)
phi <- 3/50
sigma.sq <- 2
R <- sigma.sq*exp(-phi*as.matrix(dist(coords)))
w <- rmvn(1, rep(0,n), R)
x <- as.matrix(rep(1,n))
beta <- 0.1
p <- 1/(1+exp(-(x%*%beta+w)))
weights <- rep(1, n)
weights[coords[,1]>mean(coords[,1])] <- 10
y <- rbinom(n, size=weights, prob=p)
##Collect samples
fit <- glm((y/weights)~x-1, weights=weights, family="binomial")
beta.starting <- coefficients(fit)
beta.tuning <- t(chol(vcov(fit)))
n.batch <- 200
batch.length <- 50
n.samples <- n.batch*batch.length
m.1 <- spGLM(y~1, family="binomial", coords=coords, weights=weights,
starting=list("beta"=beta.starting, "phi"=0.06,"sigma.sq"=1, "w"=0),
tuning=list("beta"=beta.tuning, "phi"=0.5, "sigma.sq"=0.5, "w"=0.5),
priors=list("beta.Normal"=list(0,10), "phi.Unif"=c(0.03, 0.3), "sigma.sq.IG"=c(2, 1)),
amcmc=list("n.batch"=n.batch, "batch.length"=batch.length, "accept.rate"=0.43),
cov.model="exponential", verbose=TRUE, n.report=10)
burn.in <- 0.9*n.samples
sub.samps <- burn.in:n.samples
print(summary(window(m.1$p.beta.theta.samples, start=burn.in)))
beta.hat <- m.1$p.beta.theta.samples[sub.samps,"(Intercept)"]
w.hat <- m.1$p.w.samples[,sub.samps]
p.hat <- 1/(1+exp(-(x%*%beta.hat+w.hat)))
y.hat <- apply(p.hat, 2, function(x){rbinom(n, size=weights, prob=p.hat)})
y.hat.mu <- apply(y.hat, 1, mean)
y.hat.var <- apply(y.hat, 1, var)
##Take a look
surf <- mba.surf(cbind(coords,y.hat.mu),no.X=100, no.Y=100, extend=TRUE)$xyz.est
image(surf, main="Interpolated mean of posterior rate\n(observed rate)")
contour(surf, add=TRUE)
text(coords, label=paste("(",y,")",sep=""))
surf <- mba.surf(cbind(coords,y.hat.var),no.X=100, no.Y=100, extend=TRUE)$xyz.est
image(surf, main="Interpolated variance of posterior rate\n(observed #
of trials)")
contour(surf, add=TRUE)
text(coords, label=paste("(",weights,")",sep=""))
##Spatial poisson
##Generate count data
n <- 100
coords <- cbind(runif(n,1,100),runif(n,1,100))
phi <- 3/50
sigma.sq <- 2
R <- sigma.sq*exp(-phi*as.matrix(dist(coords)))
w <- rmvn(1, rep(0,n), R)
x <- as.matrix(rep(1,n))
beta <- 0.1
y <- rpois(n, exp(x%*%beta+w))
##Collect samples
beta.starting <- coefficients(glm(y~x-1, family="poisson"))
beta.tuning <- t(chol(vcov(glm(y~x-1, family="poisson"))))
n.batch <- 500
batch.length <- 50
n.samples <- n.batch*batch.length
##Note tuning list is now optional
m.1 <- spGLM(y~1, family="poisson", coords=coords,
starting=list("beta"=beta.starting, "phi"=0.06,"sigma.sq"=1, "w"=0),
tuning=list("beta"=0.1, "phi"=0.5, "sigma.sq"=0.5, "w"=0.5),
priors=list("beta.Flat", "phi.Unif"=c(0.03, 0.3), "sigma.sq.IG"=c(2, 1)),
amcmc=list("n.batch"=n.batch, "batch.length"=batch.length, "accept.rate"=0.43),
cov.model="exponential", verbose=TRUE, n.report=10)
##Just for fun check out the progression of the acceptance
##as it moves to 43% (same can be seen for the random spatial effects).
plot(mcmc(t(m.1$acceptance)), density=FALSE, smooth=FALSE)
##Now parameter summaries, etc.
burn.in <- 0.9*n.samples
sub.samps <- burn.in:n.samples
m.1$p.samples[,"phi"] <- 3/m.1$p.samples[,"phi"]
print(summary(window(m.1$p.beta.theta.samples, start=burn.in)))
beta.hat <- m.1$p.beta.theta.samples[sub.samps,"(Intercept)"]
w.hat <- m.1$p.w.samples[,sub.samps]
y.hat <- apply(exp(x%*%beta.hat+w.hat), 2, function(x){rpois(n, x)})
y.hat.mu <- apply(y.hat, 1, mean)
##Take a look
surf <- mba.surf(cbind(coords,y),no.X=100, no.Y=100, extend=TRUE)$xyz.est
image(surf, main="Observed counts")
contour(surf, add=TRUE)
text(coords, labels=y, cex=1)
surf <- mba.surf(cbind(coords,y.hat.mu),no.X=100, no.Y=100, extend=TRUE)$xyz.est
image(surf, main="Fitted counts")
contour(surf, add=TRUE)
text(coords, labels=round(y.hat.mu,0), cex=1)
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