AREA: computed by ArcView
PERIMETER: computed by ArcView
COLUMBUS_: internal polygon ID (ignore)
COLUMBUS_I: another internal polygon ID (ignore)
POLYID: yet another polygon ID
NEIG: neighborhood id value (1-49);
conforms to id value used in Spatial Econometrics book.
HOVAL: housing value (in 1,000 USD)
INC: household income (in 1,000 USD)
CRIME: residential burglaries and vehicle thefts per thousand
households in the neighborhood
OPEN: open space in neighborhood
PLUMB: percentage housing units without plumbing
DISCBD: distance to CBD
X: x coordinate (in arbitrary digitizing units, not polygon coordinates)
Y: y coordinate (in arbitrary digitizing units, not polygon coordinates)
NSA: north-south dummy (North=1)
NSB: north-south dummy (North=1)
EW: east-west dummy (East=1)
CP: core-periphery dummy (Core=1)
THOUS: constant=1,000
NEIGNO: NEIG+1,000, alternative neighborhood id value