### Data preparation
climv <- clinics
(fitClinics <- HLfit(cbind(npos,nneg)~treatment+(1|clinic),
climv$np2 <- simulate(fitClinics, type="residual")
### fits
#### Shared random effect
(mvfit <- fitmv(
family=poisson(), fixed=list(lambda=c("1"=1)))),
# Two univariate-response independent fits because random effect terms are distinct
# (note how two lambda values are set; same syntax for 'init' values):
(mvfitind <- fitmv(
data=climv, fixed=list(lambda=c('1'=1,'2'=0.5)))) # '1': (1|clinic); '2': (+1|clinic)
#### Specifying fixed (but not init) values in submodels is also possible (maybe not a good idea)
# (mvfitfix <- fitmv(
# submodels=list(mod1=list(formula=cbind(npos,nneg)~treatment+(1|clinic),
# family=binomial(),fixed=list(lambda=c('1'=1))), # '1': (1|clinic)
# mod2=list(formula=np2~treatment+(+1|clinic),family=poisson(),
# fixed=list(lambda=c('1'=0.5)))), # '2': (+1|clinic)
# data=climv))
#### Shared fixed effect
# Suppose we want to fit the same intercept for the two submodels
# (there may be cases where this is meaningful, even if not here).
# The original fit has four coefficients corresponding to four columns
# of fixed-effect design matrix:
head(design_X <- model.matrix(mvfit))
# (Intercept)_1 treatment_1 (Intercept)_2 treatment_2
# [1,] 1 1 0 0
# ...
# The three coefficients of the intended model are (say)
# "(Intercept)" "treatment_1" "treatment_2"
# We build a matrix that relates the original 4 coefficients to these 3 ones:
X_4to3 <-
0,0,1), nrow=4, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE,
dimnames=list(NULL, c("(Intercept)","treatment_1","treatment_2")))
# defined such that design_X %*% X_4to3 will be the design matrix for the intended model,
# and the single "(Intercept)" coefficient of the three-parameter model will operate as
# a shared estimate of the "(Intercept)_1" and "(Intercept)_2" coefficients
# of the original 4-coefficients model, as intended.
# To define such matrices, it is *strongly advised* to fit the unconstrained model first,
# and to examine the structure of its model matrix (as shown above).
# The new fit is obtained by providing the matrix as the 'X2X' argument:
(mvfit3 <- fitmv(
family=poisson(), fixed=list(lambda=c("1"=1)))),
X2X = X_4to3,
# => the column names of 'X_4to3' are the fixed-effect names in all output.
#### Prediction with a residual-dispersion model
beta_dat <- data.frame(y=runif(100),grp=sample(2,100,replace = TRUE), x_het=runif(100),
(mvfit <- fitmv(list(list(y ~1+(1|grp), family=beta_resp(), resid.model = ~x_het),
list(y2 ~1+(1|grp), family=beta_resp())),
data= beta_dat))
misspred <- beta_dat[1:3,]
misspred$x_het[1] <- NA # missing info for residual variance of first submodel
## => prediction missing when this info is needed:
length(predict(mvfit, newdata=misspred)) # 6 values: missing info not needed for point predictions
length(get_residVar(mvfit, newdata=misspred)) # 5 values
length(get_respVar(mvfit, newdata=misspred)) # 5 values
# Missing info not needed for predVar (**as opposed to respVar**)
length(get_predVar(mvfit, newdata=misspred)) # 6 values
# Same logic for interval computations:
dim(attr(predict(mvfit, newdata=misspred, intervals="respVar"),"intervals")) # 5,2
dim(attr(predict(mvfit, newdata=misspred, intervals="predVar"),"intervals")) # 6,2
# Same logic for simulate():
length(simulate(mvfit, newdata=misspred)) # 5 as simulation requires residVar
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