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Calculating Great circle distance between two places assuming that the earth is sphere.
lgeodist(L1, phi1, L2, phi2)
Low precision great circle distance between two places.
Longitude of first place in decimal format.
Latitude of first place in decimal format.
Longitude of second place in decimal format.
Latitude of second place in decimal format.
Jinlong Zhang jinlongzhang01@gmail.com
Jean Meeus 1991 Astronomical Algorithms Willmann-Bell 80-81
#lgeodist() example ##Paris L1 = deg2dec(-2,20,14) phi1 = deg2dec(48, 50, 11) ##Washington DC L2 = deg2dec(77,03,56) phi2 = deg2dec(38,55,17) #Great circle distance lgeodist(L1, phi1, L2, phi2)
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