Provide this object to the various Spark ML methods, to control certain facets of the model outputs produced.
ml_options(id.column = random_string("id"),
response.column = random_string("response"),
features.column = random_string("features"),
output.column = random_string("output"), model.transform = NULL,
only.model = FALSE, na.action = getOption("na.action", "na.omit"), ...)
The name to assign to the generated id column.
The name to assign to the generated response column.
The name to assign to the generated features column.
The name to assign to the generated output column.
An optional R function that accepts a Spark model
and returns a Spark model. This can be used to supply optional Spark model
fitting parameters not made available in the sparklyr
Boolean; should the Spark model object itself be returned
without fitting the actual model? Useful for ml_one_vs_rest
An R function, or the name of an R function, indicating how missing values should be handled.
Optional arguments, reserved for future expansion.