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sparklyr (version 1.8.3)

sdf_copy_to: Copy an Object into Spark


Copy an object into Spark, and return an R object wrapping the copied object (typically, a Spark DataFrame).


sdf_copy_to(sc, x, name, memory, repartition, overwrite, struct_columns, ...)

sdf_import(x, sc, name, memory, repartition, overwrite, struct_columns, ...)



The associated Spark connection.


An R object from which a Spark DataFrame can be generated.


The name to assign to the copied table in Spark.


Boolean; should the table be cached into memory?


The number of partitions to use when distributing the table across the Spark cluster. The default (0) can be used to avoid partitioning.


Boolean; overwrite a pre-existing table with the name name if one already exists?


(only supported with Spark 2.4.0 or higher) A list of columns from the source data frame that should be converted to Spark SQL StructType columns. The source columns can contain either json strings or nested lists. All rows within each source column should have identical schemas (because otherwise the conversion result will contain unexpected null values or missing values as Spark currently does not support schema discovery on individual rows within a struct column).


Optional arguments, passed to implementing methods.

Advanced Usage

sdf_copy_to is an S3 generic that, by default, dispatches to sdf_import. Package authors that would like to implement sdf_copy_to for a custom object type can accomplish this by implementing the associated method on sdf_import.

See Also

Other Spark data frames: sdf_distinct(), sdf_random_split(), sdf_register(), sdf_sample(), sdf_sort(), sdf_weighted_sample()


Run this code

if (FALSE) {
sc <- spark_connect(master = "spark://HOST:PORT")
sdf_copy_to(sc, iris)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab