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Apply an element-wise transformation function to an array column
(this is essentially a dplyr wrapper for the
transform(array<T>, function<T, U>): array<U>
and the
transform(array<T>, function<T, Int, U>): array<U>
built-in Spark SQL functions)
hof_transform(x, func, expr = NULL, dest_col = NULL, ...)
The Spark data frame to transform
The transformation to apply
The array being transformed, could be any SQL expression evaluating to an array (default: the last column of the Spark data frame)
Column to store the transformed result (default: expr)
Additional params to dplyr::mutate
if (FALSE) {
sc <- spark_connect(master = "local")
# applies the (x -> x * x) transformation to elements of all arrays
copy_to(sc, dplyr::tibble(arr = list(1:5, 21:25))) %>%
hof_transform(~ .x * .x)
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