With an emulator object produced, this can be used to generate predictions on unseen data. This method is called with the emulation object, parameters, meaasures, and unseen data. A flag should also be set as to whether the unseen data, and thus the generated prediction, need to be normalised and rescaled accordingly. Unseen data being input into the emulator must be scaled between 0 and 1, with predictions rescaled after generation.
emulator_predictions(emulation, parameters, measures, data_to_predict,
normalise = FALSE, normalise_result = FALSE)
The emulation object to use to make the predictions
Parameters on which the model will take as input
Simulation responses the model should predict
Unseen values for the parameters for which the measures should be predicted
Whether the data_to_predict should be normalised
Whether the resultant predictions should be normalised
Predictions generated for this unseen data