Learn R Programming

spartan (version 3.0.2)

exemplar_sim_output: Example of a dataset output from an agent-based simulation, used in package testing


This dataset contains exemplar results from an agent-based simulation, the case study shown in the tutorial. This is used in unit testing of the spartan package.





A list with 136 rows and 14 columns


  • Cell.Type. The type of cell

  • Time.Span Amount of minutes this cell was tracked for

  • Cell.State Current state of this agent

  • Cell.Speed Cell speed, assigned at start of sim

  • Cell.Start.Position.X Start point X

  • Cell.Start.Position.Y Start point Y

  • Cell.End.Position.X End point X

  • Cell.End.Position.Y End point Y

  • Length Distance covered from start to end point

  • Velocity Calculated velocity over this period

  • Displacement The displacement of this agent

  • Displacement.Rate Displacement rate of this agent

  • Meandering.Index Meandering index of the agent

  • Nearest.LTo.Cell..microns. Distance to nearest LTo cell