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spartan (version 3.0.2)

screen_nsga2_parameters: Screens NSGA-2 related parameters, guiding which to select for evolving parameter sets


This method performs a sensitvity analysis of key settings for the nsga2 algorithm. Different values of generation number, crossover and mutation rate are assessed and the values for each objective, along with the variance of the parameter inputs are written out to file in .csv format so the user can assess which settings are best suited to the chosen application. Values for the crossover and mutation distribution indices, used in simulated binary crossover, are left at their default settings, but can be overwritten when running the emulator_parameter_evolution method.


screen_nsga2_parameters(function_to_evaluate, nsga2_user_set_parameters,
  nsga_sensitivity_parameters, nsga2_settings)



A user-defined function that NSGA2 seeks to minimise


An object containing the emulator input and output names, the input parameters for function to evaluate, minimum and maximum values for emulator inputs. These should be set using the function that creates that object prior to running this method, nsga2_set_user_params


an object containing the minimum and maximum values of generation number, crossover probability and mutation probability to be assessed


An object containing the population size, number of generations, crossover probability and mutation probability to be assessed


Output showing the results of this sensitivity analysis for the NSGA-2 parameters