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spatialwarnings (version 3.0.3)

create_indicator: Custom Spatial Early-Warning signals


Computation, significance assessment and display of trends of a custom, user-defined indicator.


create_indicator(fun, taskname = as.character(substitute(fun)))

compute_indicator(mat, fun, taskname = as.character(substitute(fun)), ...)


create_indicator returns a function that can be used in the same way than the other *_sews functions (e.g. generic_sews). This function as well as compute_indicator will return

simple_sews_* objects.



A function that takes a matrix as input and returns a vector of numerical values. If the function returns a named vector, then the names will be used in plots and summaries. The function may also accept extra arguments.


The task name. A character string used used for plots and textual summaries that describes the indicator (or set of indicators) being computed. If a task name cannot be derived from fun, then default name is used.


A matrix or a list of matrices.


Additional arguments being passed to the function fun


spatialwarnings provides "workflow functions", named *_sews, that assist the user in computing, displaying and assessing the significance of indicator values. The functions create_indicator and compute_indicator provides such workflow for any arbitrary function.

create_indicator takes a function `fun` and returns another function that can be used as an indicator similar to the *_sews functions. The results of this function can be assessed for significance using indictest and trends can be displayed using plot, summary, etc. (see Examples). compute_indicator does the same but without needing an intermediate indicator function.

See Also



Run this code

# Use the maximum patch size as indicator of degradation
maxpatchsize <- function(mat) { 

# Create the indicator function
maxpatch_sews <- create_indicator(maxpatchsize)

# Then work with this function as if it were a function from the *_sews 
# family. 
mp_indic <- maxpatch_sews(forestgap)

if (FALSE) { 
# Assess significance and display trends
mp_test <- indictest(mp_indic, nulln = 49)

# Try spatial coefficient of variation as a spatial EWS. This function can 
# have arguments. 
spatial_cv <- function(mat, subsize) { 
  matc <- coarse_grain(mat, subsize)
  return( sd(matc) / mean(matc) )

# Create indicator function
cv_sews <- create_indicator(spatial_cv)

# Compute and display trends
cv_indic <- cv_sews(serengeti, subsize = 3)
plot(cv_indic, along = serengeti.rain)

# We can do the same work in one run using compute_indicator
cv_indic2 <- compute_indicator(serengeti, spatial_cv, subsize = 3)
plot(cv_indic2, along = serengeti.rain)

if (FALSE) { 
indictest(cv_indic, nulln = 99)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab