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spatialwarnings (version 3.0.3)

indicator_sdr: (DEFUNCT) Density Ratio (SDR) indicator


Compute the ratio of low frequencies over high frequencies of the r-spectrum. It also computes a null value obtained by randomizing the matrix.


indicator_sdr(input, sdr_low_range = NULL, sdr_high_range = NULL, nulln = 99)


A list (or a list of lists if input was a list of matrices) with components:

  • `value`: SDR of the matrix

If nulln is above 2, then the list has the following additional components :

  • `null_mean`: Mean SDR of the null distribution

  • `null_sd`: SD of SDR in the null distribution

  • `z_score`: Z-score of the observed value in the null distribution (value minus the null mean and divided by null standard deviation)

  • `pval`: p-value based on the rank of the observed SDR in the null distribution. A low p-value means that the indicator value is significantly higher than the null values.



A matrix or a logical matrix (TRUE/FALSE), or a list of these.


The range of values (in proportion) to use for the computation of the spectral density ratio. For example, for the lowest 20% (default value), set sdr_low_range to c(0, .2).


The range of values (in proportion) to use for the computation of the spectral density ratio. For example, for the highest 20% (default value), set sdr_high_range to c(.8, 1).


The number of simulations to compute for the null distribution


SDR measures the increase in long-range correlations before a critical point. It is the ratio of the average low frequency value over high frequency values. In this implementation, an increase in SDR implies a "reddening" of the r-spectrum. See also spectral_sews for a more complete description.

Low and high frequencies are averaged in order to compute the SDR. The parameters sdr_low_range and sdr_high_range control which frequencies are selected for averaging. For example sdr_low_range = c(0, .2) (default) uses the lower 20 the average of low frequencies. sdr_high_range = c(.8, 1) uses the higher 20


Carpenter, S.R. & Brock, W.A. (2010). Early warnings of regime shifts in spatial dynamics using the discrete Fourier transform. Ecosphere

See Also

spectral_sews, rspectrum


Run this code

if (FALSE) { 
serengeti.sdr <- indicator_sdr(serengeti, nulln = 499)
do.call(rbind, serengeti.sdr) # convert results to data.frame

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab