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spatstat.explore (version 3.3-3)

hotbox: Heat Kernel for a Two-Dimensional Rectangle


Calculate values of the heat kernel in a rectangle with insulated edges.


hotbox(Xsource, Xquery, sigma,
       ..., W=NULL, squared=FALSE, nmax=20)


If Xquery is a point pattern, the result is a numeric vector with one entry for each query point.

If Xquery is an image or window, the result is a pixel image.



Point pattern of sources of heat. Object of class "ppp" or convertible to a point pattern using as.ppp(Xsource, W).


Locations where the heat kernel value is required. An object of class "ppp" specifying query location points, or an object of class "im" or "owin" specifying a grid of query points.


Bandwidth for kernel. A single number.


Extra arguments (passed to as.mask) controlling the pixel resolution of the result, when Xquery is a window or an image.


Window (object of class "owin") used to define the spatial domain when Xsource is not of class "ppp".


Logical value indicating whether to take the square of each heat kernel value, before summing over the source points.


Number of terms to be used from the infinite-sum expression for the heat kernel. A single integer.


Adrian Baddeley and Greg McSwiggan.


This function computes the sum of heat kernels associated with each of the source points, evaluating them at each query location.

The window for evaluation of the heat kernel must be a rectangle.

The heat kernel in any region can be expressed as an infinite sum of terms associated with the eigenfunctions of the Laplacian. The heat kernel in a rectangle is the product of heat kernels for one-dimensional intervals on the horizontal and vertical axes. This function uses hotrod to compute the one-dimensional heat kernels, truncating the infinite sum to the first nmax terms, and then calculates the two-dimensional heat kernel from each source point to each query location. If squared=TRUE these values are squared. Finally the values are summed over all source points to obtain a single value for each query location.


Baddeley, A., Davies, T., Rakshit, S., Nair, G. and McSwiggan, G. (2021) Diffusion smoothing for spatial point patterns. Statistical Science, in press.

See Also



Run this code
  X <- runifpoint(10)

  Y <- runifpoint(5)
  hotbox(X, Y, 0.1)

  plot(hotbox(X, Window(X), 0.1))
  points(X, pch=16)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab