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spatstat.geom (version 3.2-5)

cbind.hyperframe: Combine Hyperframes by Rows or by Columns


Methods for cbind and rbind for hyperframes.


# S3 method for hyperframe
# S3 method for hyperframe


Another hyperframe.



Any number of hyperframes (objects of class hyperframe).


Adrian Baddeley Adrian.Baddeley@curtin.edu.au, Rolf Turner r.turner@auckland.ac.nz and Ege Rubak rubak@math.aau.dk.


These are methods for cbind and rbind for hyperframes.

Note that all the arguments must be hyperframes (because of the peculiar dispatch rules of cbind and rbind).

To combine a hyperframe with a data frame, one should either convert the data frame to a hyperframe using as.hyperframe, or explicitly invoke the function cbind.hyperframe or rbind.hyperframe.

In other words: if h is a hyperframe and d is a data frame, the result of cbind(h,d) will be the same as cbind(as.data.frame(h), d), so that all hypercolumns of h will be deleted (and a warning will be issued). To combine h with d so that all columns of h are retained, type either cbind(h, as.hyperframe(d)) or cbind.hyperframe(h,d).

See Also

hyperframe, as.hyperframe


Run this code
if(require(spatstat.random)) {
  lambda <- runif(5, min=10, max=30)
  X <- solapply(as.list(lambda), rpoispp)
  h <- hyperframe(lambda=lambda, X=X)
  g <- hyperframe(id=letters[1:5], Y=rev(X))
  gh <- cbind(h, g)
  hh <- rbind(h[1:2, ], h[3:5,])

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