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spatstat.geom (version 3.2-5)

colourtools: Convert and Compare Colours in Different Formats


These functions convert between different formats for specifying a colour in R, determine whether colours are equivalent, and convert colour to greyscale.


rgb2hex(v, maxColorValue=255)
rgb2hsva(red, green=NULL, blue=NULL, alpha=NULL, maxColorValue=255)
interp.colours(x, length.out=512)
to.grey(x, weights=c(0.299, 0.587, 0.114), transparent=FALSE)
to.transparent(x, fraction)
to.saturated(x, s=1)


For col2hex and rgb2hex

a character vector containing hexadecimal colour codes.

For to.grey, to.opaque and to.transparent, either a character vector containing hexadecimal colour codes, or a value identical to the input x.

For rgb2hsva, a matrix with 3 or 4 rows containing HSV colour values.

For paletteindex, an integer vector, possibly containing

NA values.

For samecolour and is.grey, a logical value or logical vector.



Any valid specification for a colour or sequence of colours accepted by col2rgb.


A numeric vector of length 3, giving the RGB values of a single colour, or a 3-column matrix giving the RGB values of several colours. Alternatively a vector of length 4 or a matrix with 4 columns, giving the RGB and alpha (transparency) values.


Arguments acceptable to rgb determining the red, green, blue channels and optionally the alpha (transparency) channel. Note that red can also be a matrix with 3 rows giving the RGB values, or a matrix with 4 rows giving RGB and alpha values.


Number giving the maximum possible value for the entries in v or red,green,blue,alpha.


Numeric vector of length 3 giving relative weights for the red, green, and blue channels respectively.


Logical value indicating whether transparent colours should be converted to transparent grey values (transparent=TRUE) or converted to opaque grey values (transparent=FALSE, the default).


Transparency fraction. Numerical value or vector of values between 0 and 1, giving the opaqueness of a colour. A fully opaque colour has fraction=1.


Integer. Length of desired sequence.


Saturation value (between 0 and 1).


paletteindex("green") returns NA because the green colour in the default palette is called "green3".


Adrian Baddeley Adrian.Baddeley@curtin.edu.au

and Rolf Turner r.turner@auckland.ac.nz


is.colour(x) can be applied to any kind of data x and returns TRUE if x can be interpreted as a colour or colours. The remaining functions expect data that can be interpreted as colours.

col2hex converts colours specified in any format into their hexadecimal character codes.

rgb2hex converts RGB colour values into their hexadecimal character codes. It is a very minor extension to rgb. Arguments to rgb2hex should be similar to arguments to rgb.

rgb2hsva converts RGB colour values into HSV colour values including the alpha (transparency) channel. It is an extension of rgb2hsv. Arguments to rgb2hsva should be similar to arguments to rgb2hsv.

paletteindex checks whether the colour or colours specified by x are available in the default palette returned by palette(). If so, it returns the index or indices of the colours in the palette. If not, it returns NA.

samecolour decides whether two colours x and y are equivalent.

is.grey determines whether each entry of x is a greyscale colour, and returns a logical vector.

to.grey converts the colour data in x to greyscale colours. Alternatively x can be an object of class "colourmap" and to.grey(x) is the modified colour map.

to.opaque converts the colours in x to opaque (non-transparent) colours, and to.transparent converts them to transparent colours with a specified transparency value. Note that to.transparent(x,1) is equivalent to to.opaque(x).

For to.grey, to.opaque and to.transparent, if all the data in x specifies colours from the standard palette, and if the result would be equivalent to x, then the result is identical to x.

to.saturated converts each colour in x to its fully-saturated equivalent. For example, pink is mapped to red. Shades of grey are converted to black; white is unchanged.

complementarycolour replaces each colour by its complementary colour in RGB space (the colour obtained by replacing RGB values (r, g, b) by (255-r, 255-g, 255-b)). The transparency value is not changed. Alternatively x can be an object of class "colourmap" and complementarycolour(x) is the modified colour map.

interp.colours interpolates between each successive pair of colours in a sequence of colours, to generate a more finely-spaced sequence. It uses linear interpolation in HSV space (with hue represented as a two-dimensional unit vector).

See Also

col2rgb, rgb2hsv, palette.

See also the class of colour map objects in the spatstat package: colourmap, interp.colourmap, tweak.colourmap.


Run this code
  samecolour("grey", "gray")
  to.transparent("orange", 0.5)
  interp.colours(c("orange", "red", "violet"), 5)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab