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spatstat.geom (version 3.2-5)

gridweights: Compute Quadrature Weights Based on Grid Counts


Computes quadrature weights for a given set of points, using the ``counting weights'' for a grid of rectangular tiles.


gridweights(X, ntile, ..., window=NULL, verbose=FALSE, npix=NULL, areas=NULL)


Vector of nonnegative weights for each point in X.



Data defining a point pattern.


Number of tiles in each row and column of the rectangular grid. An integer vector of length 1 or 2.




Default window for the point pattern


Logical flag. If TRUE, information will be printed about the computation of the grid weights.


Dimensions of pixel grid to use when computing a digital approximation to the tile areas.


Vector of areas of the tiles, if they are already known.


Adrian Baddeley Adrian.Baddeley@curtin.edu.au

and Rolf Turner r.turner@auckland.ac.nz


This function computes a set of quadrature weights for a given pattern of points (typically comprising both ``data'' and `dummy'' points). See quad.object for an explanation of quadrature weights and quadrature schemes.

The weights are computed by the ``counting weights'' rule based on a regular grid of rectangular tiles. First X and (optionally) window are converted into a point pattern object. Then the bounding rectangle of the window of the point pattern is divided into a regular ntile[1] * ntile[2] grid of rectangular tiles. The weight attached to a point of X is the area of the tile in which it lies, divided by the number of points of X lying in that tile.

For non-rectangular windows the tile areas are currently calculated by approximating the window as a binary mask. The accuracy of this approximation is controlled by npix, which becomes the argument dimyx of as.mask.

See Also

quad.object, dirichletWeights


Run this code
  Q <- quadscheme(runifrect(15))
  X <- as.ppp(Q) # data and dummy points together
  w <- gridweights(X, 10)
  w <- gridweights(X, c(10, 10))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab