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spatstat.geom (version 3.2-5)

has.close: Check Whether Points Have Close Neighbours


For each point in a point pattern, determine whether the point has a close neighbour in the same pattern.


has.close(X, r, Y=NULL, ...)

# S3 method for default has.close(X,r, Y=NULL, ..., periodic=FALSE)

# S3 method for ppp has.close(X,r, Y=NULL, ..., periodic=FALSE, sorted=FALSE)

# S3 method for pp3 has.close(X,r, Y=NULL, ..., periodic=FALSE, sorted=FALSE)


A logical vector, with one entry for each point of X.



Point patterns of class "ppp" or "pp3" or "lpp".


Threshold distance: a number greater than zero.


Logical value indicating whether to measure distances in the periodic sense, so that opposite sides of the (rectangular) window are treated as identical.


Logical value, indicating whether the points of X (and Y, if given) are already sorted into increasing order of the \(x\) coordinates.


Other arguments are ignored.


Adrian Baddeley Adrian.Baddeley@curtin.edu.au.


This is simply a faster version of (nndist(X) <= r) or (nncross(X,Y,what="dist") <= r).

has.close(X,r) determines, for each point in the pattern X, whether or not this point has a neighbour in the same pattern X which lies at a distance less than or equal to r.

has.close(X,r,Y) determines, for each point in the pattern X, whether or not this point has a neighbour in the other pattern Y which lies at a distance less than or equal to r.

The function has.close is generic, with methods for "ppp" and "pp3" and a default method.

See Also



Run this code
  has.close(redwood, 0.05)
  with(split(amacrine), has.close(on, 0.05, off))
  with(osteo, sum(has.close(pts, 20)))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab