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spatstat.geom (version 3.2-5)

layerplotargs: Extract or Replace the Plot Arguments of a Layered Object


Extracts or replaces the plot arguments of a layered object.



layerplotargs(L) <- value


layerplotargs returns a list of lists of plot arguments.

"layerplotargs<-" returns the updated object of class "layered".



An object of class "layered" created by the function layered.


Replacement value. A list, with the same length as L, whose elements are lists of plot arguments.


Adrian Baddeley Adrian.Baddeley@curtin.edu.au

and Rolf Turner r.turner@auckland.ac.nz


These commands extract or replace the plotargs in a layered object. See layered.

The replacement value should normally have the same length as the current value. However, it can also be a list with one element which is a list of parameters. This will be replicated to the required length.

For the assignment function layerplotargs<-, the argument L can be any spatial object; it will be converted to a layered object with a single layer.

See Also

layered, methods.layered, [.layered.


Run this code
   W <- square(2)
   L <- layered(W=W, X=cells)
   ## The following are equivalent
   layerplotargs(L) <- list(list(), list(pch=16))
   layerplotargs(L)[[2]] <- list(pch=16)
   layerplotargs(L)$X <- list(pch=16)

   ## The following are equivalent
   layerplotargs(L) <- list(list(cex=2), list(cex=2))
   layerplotargs(L) <- list(list(cex=2))

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