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spatstat.geom (version 3.2-5)

padimage: Pad the Border of a Pixel Image


Fills the border of a pixel image with a given value or values, or extends a pixel image to fill a larger window.


padimage(X, value=NA, n=1, W=NULL)


Another object of class "im", of the same type as X.



Pixel image (object of class "im").


Single value to be placed around the border of X.


Width of border, in pixels. See Details.


Window for the resulting image. Incompatible with n.


Adrian Baddeley Adrian.Baddeley@curtin.edu.au

Rolf Turner r.turner@auckland.ac.nz

and Ege Rubak rubak@math.aau.dk


The image X will be expanded by a margin of n pixels, or extended to fill the window W, with new pixel values set to value.

The argument value should be a single value (a vector of length 1), normally a value of the same type as the pixel values of X. It may be NA. Alternatively if X is a factor-valued image, value can be one of the levels of X.

If n is given, it may be a single number, specifying the width of the border in pixels. Alternatively it may be a vector of length 2 or 4. It will be replicated to length 4, and these numbers will be interpreted as the border widths for the (left, right, top, bottom) margins respectively.

Alternatively if W is given, the image will be extended to the window W.

See Also



Run this code
 Z <- setcov(owin())
 plot(padimage(Z, 1, 10))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab