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spatstat.geom (version 3.2-5)

pixelquad: Quadrature Scheme Based on Pixel Grid


Makes a quadrature scheme with a dummy point at every pixel of a pixel image.


pixelquad(X, W = as.owin(X))


An object of class "quad" describing the quadrature scheme (data points, dummy points, and quadrature weights) suitable as the argument Q of the function ppm() for fitting a point process model.

The quadrature scheme can be inspected using the

print and plot methods for objects of class "quad".



Point pattern (object of class "ppp") containing the data points for the quadrature scheme.


Specifies the pixel grid. A pixel image (object of class "im"), a window (object of class "owin"), or anything that can be converted to a window by as.owin.


Adrian Baddeley Adrian.Baddeley@curtin.edu.au

and Rolf Turner r.turner@auckland.ac.nz


This is a method for producing a quadrature scheme for use by ppm. It is an alternative to quadscheme.

The function ppm fits a point process model to an observed point pattern using the Berman-Turner quadrature approximation (Berman and Turner, 1992; Baddeley and Turner, 2000) to the pseudolikelihood of the model. It requires a quadrature scheme consisting of the original data point pattern, an additional pattern of dummy points, and a vector of quadrature weights for all these points. Such quadrature schemes are represented by objects of class "quad". See quad.object for a description of this class.

Given a grid of pixels, this function creates a quadrature scheme in which there is one dummy point at the centre of each pixel. The counting weights are used (the weight attached to each quadrature point is 1 divided by the number of quadrature points falling in the same pixel).

The argument X specifies the locations of the data points for the quadrature scheme. Typically this would be a point pattern dataset.

The argument W specifies the grid of pixels for the dummy points of the quadrature scheme. It should be a pixel image (object of class "im"), a window (object of class "owin"), or anything that can be converted to a window by as.owin. If W is a pixel image or a binary mask (a window of type "mask") then the pixel grid of W will be used. If W is a rectangular or polygonal window, then it will first be converted to a binary mask using as.mask at the default pixel resolution.

See Also

quadscheme, quad.object, ppm


Run this code
  W <- owin(c(0,1),c(0,1))
  X <- runifrect(42, W)
  W <- as.mask(W,dimyx=128)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab