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spatstat.geom (version 3.2-5)

plot.pppmatching: Plot a Point Matching


Plot an object of class "pppmatching" which represents a matching of two planar point patterns.


# S3 method for pppmatching
plot(x, addmatch = NULL, main = NULL, ..., adjust = 1)





Point pattern matching object (class "pppmatching") to be plotted.


Optional. A matrix indicating additional pairs of points that should be matched. See Details.


Main title for the plot.


Additional arguments passed to other plot methods.


Adjustment factor for the widths of line segments. A positive number.


Dominic Schuhmacher and Adrian Baddeley Adrian.Baddeley@curtin.edu.au.


The object x represents a matching found between two point patterns X and Y. The matching may be incomplete. See pppmatching.object for further description.

This function plots the matching by drawing the two point patterns X and Y as red and blue dots respectively, and drawing line segments between each pair of matched points. The width of the line segments is proportional to the strength of matching. The proportionality constant can be adjusted using the argument adjust.

Additional graphics arguments ... control the plotting of the window (and are passed to plot.owin) and the plotting of the line segments (and are passed to plot.psp, and ultimately to the base graphics function polygon).

The argument addmatch is for use mainly by developers to study algorithms which update the matching. If addmatch is given, it should be a matrix with dimensions npoints(X) * npoints(Y). If addmatch[i,j] > 0 then a light grey line segment will be drawn between X[i] and Y[j.

See Also



Run this code
  X <- runifrect(7)
  Y <- runifrect(7)
  am <- r2dtable(1, rep(10,7), rep(10,7))[[1]]/10
  m2 <- pppmatching(X, Y, am)
  plot(m2, adjust=0.3)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab