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spatstat.geom (version 3.2-5)

quadscheme: Generate a Quadrature Scheme from a Point Pattern


Generates a quadrature scheme (an object of class "quad") from point patterns of data and dummy points.


quadscheme(data, dummy, method="grid", ...)


An object of class "quad" describing the quadrature scheme (data points, dummy points, and quadrature weights) suitable as the argument Q of the function ppm() for fitting a point process model.

The quadrature scheme can be inspected using the

print and plot methods for objects of class "quad".



The observed data point pattern. An object of class "ppp" or in a format recognised by as.ppp()


The pattern of dummy points for the quadrature. An object of class "ppp" or in a format recognised by as.ppp() Defaults to default.dummy(data, ...)


The name of the method for calculating quadrature weights: either "grid" or "dirichlet".


Parameters of the weighting method (see below) and parameters for constructing the dummy points if necessary.

Error Messages

The following error messages need some explanation. (See also the list of error messages in ppm.ppp).

  • “Some tiles with positive area do not contain any quadrature points: relative error = X%” This is not important unless the relative error is large. In the default rule for computing the quadrature weights, space is divided into rectangular tiles, and the number of quadrature points (data and dummy points) in each tile is counted. It is possible for a tile with non-zero area to contain no quadrature points; in this case, the quadrature scheme will contribute a bias to the model-fitting procedure. A small relative error (less than 2 percent) is not important. Relative errors of a few percent can occur because of the shape of the window. If the relative error is greater than about 5 percent, we recommend trying different parameters for the quadrature scheme, perhaps setting a larger value of nd to increase the number of dummy points. A relative error greater than 10 percent indicates a major problem with the input data. The quadrature scheme should be inspected by plotting and printing it. (The most likely cause of this problem is that the spatial coordinates of the original data were not handled correctly, for example, coordinates of the locations and the window boundary were incompatible.)

  • “Some tiles with zero area contain quadrature points” This error message is rare, and has no consequences. It is mainly of interest to programmers. It occurs when the area of a tile is calculated to be equal to zero, but a quadrature point has been placed in the tile.


Adrian Baddeley Adrian.Baddeley@curtin.edu.au and Rolf Turner r.turner@auckland.ac.nz


This is the primary method for producing a quadrature schemes for use by ppm.

The function ppm fits a point process model to an observed point pattern using the Berman-Turner quadrature approximation (Berman and Turner, 1992; Baddeley and Turner, 2000) to the pseudolikelihood of the model. It requires a quadrature scheme consisting of the original data point pattern, an additional pattern of dummy points, and a vector of quadrature weights for all these points. Such quadrature schemes are represented by objects of class "quad". See quad.object for a description of this class.

Quadrature schemes are created by the function quadscheme. The arguments data and dummy specify the data and dummy points, respectively. There is a sensible default for the dummy points (provided by default.dummy). Alternatively the dummy points may be specified arbitrarily and given in any format recognised by as.ppp. There are also functions for creating dummy patterns including corners, gridcentres, stratrand and spokes.

The quadrature region is the region over which we are integrating, and approximating integrals by finite sums. If dummy is a point pattern object (class "ppp") then the quadrature region is taken to be Window(dummy). If dummy is just a list of \(x, y\) coordinates then the quadrature region defaults to the observation window of the data pattern, Window(data).

If dummy is missing, then a pattern of dummy points will be generated using default.dummy, taking account of the optional arguments .... By default, the dummy points are arranged in a rectangular grid; recognised arguments include nd (the number of grid points in the horizontal and vertical directions) and eps (the spacing between dummy points). If random=TRUE, a systematic random pattern of dummy points is generated instead. See default.dummy for details.

If method = "grid" then the optional arguments (for ...) are (nd, ntile, eps). The quadrature region (defined above) is divided into an ntile[1] by ntile[2] grid of rectangular tiles. The weight for each quadrature point is the area of a tile divided by the number of quadrature points in that tile.

If method="dirichlet" then the optional arguments are (exact=TRUE, nd, eps). The quadrature points (both data and dummy) are used to construct the Dirichlet tessellation. The quadrature weight of each point is the area of its Dirichlet tile inside the quadrature region. If exact == TRUE then this area is computed exactly using the package deldir; otherwise it is computed approximately by discretisation.


Baddeley, A. and Turner, R. Practical maximum pseudolikelihood for spatial point patterns. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics 42 (2000) 283--322.

Berman, M. and Turner, T.R. Approximating point process likelihoods with GLIM. Applied Statistics 41 (1992) 31--38.

See Also

ppm, as.ppp, quad.object, gridweights, dirichletWeights, corners, gridcentres, stratrand, spokes


Run this code
  # grid weights
  Q <- quadscheme(simdat)
  Q <- quadscheme(simdat, method="grid")
  Q <- quadscheme(simdat, eps=0.5)         # dummy point spacing 0.5 units

  Q <- quadscheme(simdat, nd=50)           # 1 dummy point per tile
  Q <- quadscheme(simdat, ntile=25, nd=50) # 4 dummy points per tile

  # Dirichlet weights
  Q <- quadscheme(simdat, method="dirichlet", exact=FALSE)

  # random dummy pattern
  # D <- runifrect(250, Window(simdat))
  # Q <- quadscheme(simdat, D, method="dirichlet", exact=FALSE)

  # polygonal window
  X <- unmark(demopat)
  Q <- quadscheme(X)

  # mask window
  Window(X) <- as.mask(Window(X))
  Q <- quadscheme(X)

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