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spatstat.geom (version 3.2-5)

rescale: Convert dataset to another unit of length


Converts between different units of length in a spatial dataset, such as a point pattern or a window.


rescale(X, s, unitname)


Another object of the same type, representing the same data, but expressed in the new units.



Any suitable dataset representing a two-dimensional object, such as a point pattern (object of class "ppp"), or a window (object of class "owin").


Conversion factor: the new units are s times the old units.


Optional. New name for the unit of length. See unitname.


Adrian Baddeley Adrian.Baddeley@curtin.edu.au, Rolf Turner r.turner@auckland.ac.nz and Ege Rubak rubak@math.aau.dk.


This is generic. Methods are provided for many spatial objects.

The spatial coordinates in the dataset X will be re-expressed in terms of a new unit of length that is s times the current unit of length given in X. The name of the unit of length will also be adjusted. The result is an object of the same type, representing the same data, but expressed in the new units.

For example if X is a dataset giving coordinates in metres, then rescale(X,1000) will take the new unit of length to be 1000 metres. To do this, it will divide the old coordinate values by 1000 to obtain coordinates expressed in kilometres, and change the name of the unit of length from "metres" to "1000 metres".

If unitname is given, it will be taken as the new name of the unit of length. It should be a valid name for the unit of length, as described in the help for unitname. For example if X is a dataset giving coordinates in metres, rescale(X, 1000, "km") will divide the coordinate values by 1000 to obtain coordinates in kilometres, and the unit name will be changed to "km".

See Also

Available methods: rescale.im, rescale.layered, rescale.owin, rescale.ppp, rescale.psp and rescale.unitname.

Other generics: unitname, affine, rotate, shift.